Need For Speed: Carbon.

TomaHawk said:
Screenshots do look impressive. I just hope you don't have to do AS many police chases getting endless amounts of bounty etc.. As that got a tad boring when it was all you had left on MostWanted.


Sure does look good, and them chases were mighty boring. :(
Cba with it. I scrawled through developer interviews and anything I could find about the game but afaik its all night time carp, which means I'm ignoring it.
Kainz said:
Cba with it. I scrawled through developer interviews and anything I could find about the game but afaik its all night time carp, which means I'm ignoring it.

Because NFS:U2 was at night, & NFS:MW was in the day, one would have though the next game would combine the both, and have full days & full nights :rolleyes: :(
Interesting interview with Larry LaPierre Thursday, 06.07.2006

Larry LaPierre is the Executive Producer of Need for Speed Carbon and EA published an interview with him on the official Need for Speed website, where he talks about the story - which should continue the story of Need for Speed Most Wanted - as well as the city Palmont City and new features.
Most of it we already heard before - the whole interview is a bit superficial, but we can expect to get more information bit by bit the next weeks.

Community Team: Give us an overview of Need for Speed™ Carbon. What's the overall premise of the game?

Larry LaPierre: In NFS Carbon, our hero from Need for Speed™ Most Wanted returns back home to Palmont city only to find out things have changed. He has been framed for a race that went wrong, rival street racing gangs have taken over, and like any good conflict, it has to be settled on the streets in their cars.

A battle for control of the city takes on even greater danger when the races move out to the Canyons.

CT: How does NFS Carbon differentiate itself from NFS Most Wanted and the Need for Speed™ Underground titles?

LL: NFS Carbon takes the danger and illicitness of street racing and amps it up by introducing canyon racing.

CT: Location has had a huge impact in past NFS games. What can you say about the "world" in NFS Carbon?

LL: NFS carbon takes place in Palmont City. It is heavily influenced by a west coast/Sante Fe vibe mixed with a bit of over the top Vegas glitz, all nestled in the California hills. It's vibrant, colorful and alive.

CT: Drift racing makes its return in NFS Carbon. How is the racing mechanic and physics different than what was in NFS Underground 2?

LL: We are really excited to be bringing drift back, its so challenging and so much fun to snake your car smoothly through a set of turns. We also have a much better scoring mechanic this year.

CT: What can you tell us about the cars and customization in NFS Carbon?

LL: I love the car set this year - we have such a cool variety with Tuners, Muscle and Exotics. The feel of each is really unique and as far as customization goes we have a totally new way to trick out your car with Autosculpt™.

CT: Ah, Autosculpt. I can't wait until we can talk about that more. Switching gears, no pun intended, what will NFS Carbon have by way of race modes?

LL: A lot! NFS Carbon will have Circuit racing, Sprint racing, Speedtrap, and new modes Canyon Duel, Canyon Race, Drift, Canyon Drift, Time Trial and a few others we can tell you about at a later date.

CT: Lastly, what is the one thing that has you the most excited about NFS Carbon?

LL: One thing? If it was only one thing it would probably be the canyon duels - they are so intense. You are ripping through these canyons as fast as you can trying to keep up to the lead car.

The slightest mistake and buh-bye...over the edge...into a heap of metal and carbon fiber.

CT: Ouch!
sja360 said:
should be good fun driftin' aslong as it isnt stupid easy to drift and requires some skill.
It's an EA NFS game - it's designed for 9 year olds to be played on a console - of course it'll be as easy as anything to drift and control.

EA will never make a modern NFS game that requires skill - it'll eliminate their entire target audience.
mysticsniper said:
Interesting interview with Larry LaPierre Thursday, 06.07.2006

I don't know about you but don't you think the developers always do a much worse job of advertising the game than magazines do?

CT: How does NFS Carbon differentiate itself from NFS Most Wanted and the Need for Speed™ Underground titles?

LL: NFS Carbon takes the danger and illicitness of street racing and amps it up by introducing canyon racing.

I mean in this he has flat out trashed it. It can be translated:

It's the same as the old one but we tried to make it fun by adding a few extra modes!
Well I'll definitely be buying, as I always do with the NFS series. NFS: Porsche 2000 is the best IMO, but I liked all the more recent ones too.
IggyStooge said:
So itll have cops again? That was undoubtedly the best thing about most wanted.
Though hopefully they are more realistic than MW, where they just smash into you without them being effected.
I've followed the whole NFS series, and been happy with them all really.

Most likely will buy this one too. They're never anything special but they're visually pleasing and not annoyingly difficult.

Online modes suck for most modern racing games. I wish someone would make a really good arcade online racer. Where you can at least chat with your mates ffs.
xbox? Consoles are for babies! (joking :p)

Not a console person I'm afriad and I likely wouldn't play online on a console either. I've had every console up to the ps2 and they all just collect dust.

There's no reason why, just always prefered a PC.

I assume since you recomended it that it is good online play then?
yeah it is mate, racing and sports games are always better on consoles imo

i used to be a PC FPS fanboy though, so it is possible to make the change mate ;)
da_mic_1530 said:
yeah it is mate, racing and sports games are always better on consoles imo

i used to be a PC FPS fanboy though, so it is possible to make the change mate ;)

Yeah, PC fanboy born and bred. What makes racing games better on a console? I can't see the difference really. The xbox 360 may be an exception for now since they have beasty specs. But I have a gamepad, joystick and steering wheel for my PC and always enjoyed racing games way more than any racing game I've played on a console. (Apart from games specific to consoles like grand turiso :mad: )
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