need for speed most wanted

31 Oct 2005
2 reasons for this thread

1. mini review
2. online play request

1. Well after many people saying how it suffers from framerate issues and bad gameplay, poo to you, i picked this up well cheap on the MM and its worth the £££. I have noticed a few framerate stutters, but nothing that has caused me to crash or spoil my enjoyment of the game, in this game the brought back the cheesy FMV's yey, and the cops, which adds a new element to the gameplay, other than that its need for speed underground 2 with nicer gfx, well worth a look if you can find it cheap though. Offers arcadey gameplay compared to pgr3.

2. online is nothing compared to pgr3, but id still like to have a few races, but ive only got a golf gti at the mo and every1 else has amazing cars

any1 around my skill level want a quick race?

I have a mates copy as i sold mine to andy axe just to complete it.

I dont think he will ask for it back in a while but im on rival no4 so i have a fast motor so ill be up for giving you a game once your up to my level.

Trust me this game gets hard on the milestones im about 68% complete and have been stuck trying to tag 28 police cars for ages now.
I really like it, and have yet to see any slowdown or graphical problems of any kind. I'm doing quite well on it as well now, up to 8 on the blacklist with 4 cars in my garage, with my favourite being my modded Ford Mustang GT, I just love those cars :)
Bought off A-n-d-y didnt even make it into the console
as i picked up RR6 too. From what ive heard its got low FPS
which makes it stuter slightly?

Not my sort of game tbh, prefer either arcade driving or Sim driving

I just get the odd split second freeze once in a while but apart from that its fine.

Iv had no probs doing the milestones or the races but once you hit blacklist No4 my god its hard. Im on level 5 police before iv evan tagged 15 police cars i need 28! keep getting busted:(

Any tips anyone
I'm not up to that level yet Andy so not sure what help I could give, though at earlier levels I can tag 20+ police cars in a pursuit with no real bother, though I suspect they're harder when you move up the blacklist. For me the secret is to always keep moving, no matter what. If they surround you aim for the back end of a cop car and hit the gas and nitro and try to push your way through. Also, don't be afraid to drive backwards for a while. Last night I hit one of the land rover style police cars which are impossible to push out the way, and the other cops had surrounded me, so I put it in reverse and moved away from them, then a quick 180 and a quick nitro boost and I was away again.

I've also found that the long freeways are ideal for getting away, as when you come to a junction you can wait till the last second then slam on the brakes and go off the exit ramp, while they'll invariably carry straight on, giving you time to get away.
Davey_Pitch said:
I'm not up to that level yet Andy so not sure what help I could give, though at earlier levels I can tag 20+ police cars in a pursuit with no real bother, though I suspect they're harder when you move up the blacklist. For me the secret is to always keep moving, no matter what. If they surround you aim for the back end of a cop car and hit the gas and nitro and try to push your way through. Also, don't be afraid to drive backwards for a while. Last night I hit one of the land rover style police cars which are impossible to push out the way, and the other cops had surrounded me, so I put it in reverse and moved away from them, then a quick 180 and a quick nitro boost and I was away again.

I've also found that the long freeways are ideal for getting away, as when you come to a junction you can wait till the last second then slam on the brakes and go off the exit ramp, while they'll invariably carry straight on, giving you time to get away.

Yeah iv tagged 20+ before in 1 of the milestone events and iv done most of the things your said, I allways leave enough *** to try get away if i get trapped:)

Them Land rovers are like tanks lol, Im finding once you hit level 5 police i just cant get away from them let alone try and smash the hell out of them lol.

All good fun tho:)
Sounds like it should be a good challenge then :D I'm progressing at about 1-2 blacklist places per night (depending on how much time I put into it), though I expect that'll slow down if things get as hard as you suggest :)
Davey_Pitch said:
Sounds like it should be a good challenge then :D I'm progressing at about 1-2 blacklist places per night (depending on how much time I put into it), though I expect that'll slow down if things get as hard as you suggest :)

Or it just maybe your a better getaway driver than me mate :p
lordrobs said:
Off topic but Davey has your gamerscore gone down or am I going mad :confused:
Its the sig hes using, it doesnt update properly as I was using it until I realised.


Damn you guys for talking about this game, didnt have any interest in it before but its sounds alright now....
Its good fun the police chases are well intence you have to try your hardest not to get busted or after a while you lose your car.

I had a 40 min pursuit before trying to get away and i did :)
lol ive only got level 1 police at the moment, had them chasing me all over the golf course this morning like i hadnt paid my green fee's or summit lol
Woot, got myself to 6 on the blacklist last night (up 2 places in 1 evening), and the milestones are definitely getting harder now the spike strips and helicopter is involved (though the heli doesn't bother me at all, I just outrun it until it runs out of feul). I'm still able to do all the milestones set for me but it's pushing me harder now and requiring much more skill. I find doing the actual milestones themselves is best on the freeways as there's plenty of places for the police to roadblock you (and therefore giving you chances to blow right through), then move into the city when you want to get away (enough sharp turns to lose cops if you time it right).
-=BAF=-AXE said:
Bought off A-n-d-y didnt even make it into the console
as i picked up RR6 too. From what ive heard its got low FPS
which makes it stuter slightly?

Not my sort of game tbh, prefer either arcade driving or Sim driving


It does class as arcade driving I'd say :) It's a fun game but I think the PC is the best platform to play it on because its framerate isn't capped at 30fps like all the console versions - even the 360, inexplicably. Maybe they should have got the Burnout developers to make the NFS series too, they don't seem to have a problem combining top quality graphics with a smooth 60fps framerate.

edit - in fact it's a shame the Burnout Revenge devs didn't make games like PGR2 and Forza as well come to think of it ;) They have shown what the xbox1 is capable of, in the right hands.
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Davey_Pitch said:
Woot, got myself to 6 on the blacklist last night (up 2 places in 1 evening), and the milestones are definitely getting harder now the spike strips and helicopter is involved (though the heli doesn't bother me at all, I just outrun it until it runs out of feul). I'm still able to do all the milestones set for me but it's pushing me harder now and requiring much more skill. I find doing the actual milestones themselves is best on the freeways as there's plenty of places for the police to roadblock you (and therefore giving you chances to blow right through), then move into the city when you want to get away (enough sharp turns to lose cops if you time it right).

Yeah the milestones are definitely the best part of the game. The helicopter is not to much of a probelm for me either but the level 5 police cars and sometimes them spike strips are, more so when they set them up just round a sharp conrner :p

There is 3 games im so stuck on at the min 1 being this still 4th on the blackist, the other being PGR3 im having probs getting all gold medals and the other being COD2 having major trouble with that im about half way tho vetran mode.
I find the easiest way to avoid the spike strips is to use the speedbreaker to slow things down when you know you're approaching a block, it gives you enough time to assess the situation and direct yourself perfectly. I only remembered about the speedbreaker last night and it makes the pursuits that little bit easier.

Edit: And I was happy last night as I finally managed to take out one of those SUV's in a head on collision. Damn thing sent me flying backwards but at least I totalled him :D
Davey_Pitch said:
I really like it, and have yet to see any slowdown or graphical problems of any kind. I'm doing quite well on it as well now, up to 8 on the blacklist with 4 cars in my garage, with my favourite being my modded Ford Mustang GT, I just love those cars :)

God it's awful. You only like it because it's an achievement point whore!
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