need for speed most wanted

Its not that offten i get busted becouase of the spike strips i do use the speedbreaker where i go wrong is i dont normaly look at the radar (Dont get much time to look when you have 20 police after you :P) and sometimes they set up the spikes just round a sharp corner so that dont give me time to do nothing lol.

I must start looking at the radar more:)
i dont care about points, really does that mean that davey pitch is so much better on me on pgr3 if he has 1000 more points than me, + even if he is better at me on pgr3 does that matter? to me it doesnt, online is for a good laugh with a few peps from ocuk, like last nite in the cadillacs

back OT

ive just got onto the 3rd level of police and them 4 by 4 land rover police things scared the hell out of me, built like a ton of bricks! took me 10 minute to get away from them lol.

btw ive still got my supra as i missed the pink slips from the rx 8 and the porshe, can i go somewhere to buy these cars?
Its far from an achievement point whore, i have 11 out of 15 achievements and iv only got 265G and im on blacklist number4.
da_mic_1530 said:
btw ive still got my supra as i missed the pink slips from the rx 8 and the porshe, can i go somewhere to buy these cars?

Yeah, you can buy them from the car lot, just look on your map for where they are. The Porsche is my new favourite now, for everything that's currently available to me it's got the best stats with all the performance mods added to it (you can try this by modding cars when not in career mode to see which is the best). It handles perfectly for me, though it's fairly expensive, 65,000 as I remember.
Fantastic game. I rate it better than PGR3 purely because there is much more to do. PGR3 looks great but gets a little tedious.

Anyway, I completed NFS last week or so and it's true the police chases get very hard. What I did was hit the freeway at the left upper part of the map and follow that in a complete circle and just keep the speed up. Always remember to hit the rear of cars in a roadblock. If you hit the engine side you'll struggle to get through.

Also, if the police get you into a skid or a tight spot use nitrous to escape, nitrous also levels your car out if you are skidding. Use the pursuit breakers as much as possible to escape too.

Late in the game I managed to total Cross' car at a bonus of 200,000 bounty or something lol.

I went from a Cobalt, to an Evo, Porsche 997, Carrera GT. 3 of those were impounded by the end trying to do the police missions lol.
I've got it but haven't played it much to due to the annoying jerkiness.

Although I have found turning it down to 480p (or whatever it's called) has stopped most of the stuttering, it's stilll unacceptable.

I was really looking forward to this game, hopefully they'll patch it over Live or something otherwise I doubt I'll use it all that much. :o
Nope not the TV as it works fine for everything else.

It's just another rushed EA game, thats why I don't like it.

They have all that power with the 360, and they can't even get it running smoothly! The bloody cheek of having "EA HD" written all over it, when you have to turn HD off to get it running smooth.....ish.

Maybe it is my console, but the first thing anyone says when they see the game running is "it's a bit jerky isn't it". Although it doesn't seem to do it on some quick races.

I'll give it another try sometime, but for now I'm sticking with Kameo.
Jet said:
Always remember to hit the rear of cars in a roadblock. If you hit the engine side you'll struggle to get through.

Sod that, I usually drive around it, it still counts as going through the roadblock :)
Davey_Pitch said:
Sod that, I usually drive around it, it still counts as going through the roadblock :)

Your right but if you have to tag loads of vehicles you might as well hit it.

In fact, when I passed through a road block i used to do a 180 then hit another car until I had tagged them all lol. So long as their was only a couple chasing me at the start of a pursuit. The roadblock cars don't really chase you.
Davey_Pitch said:
Please don't try to tell me why I like something, I really couldn't give a monkey's about my gamer score.

You seem to have taken my comment to heart! Thats a surprise as thats certainly not how it was intended.
I know the feeling, was just surprised thats all.
After all, can't fault your judgement, I bought God of War for £35 after you said it was good :P.
A-n-d-y said:
I just get the odd split second freeze once in a while but apart from that its fine.

Iv had no probs doing the milestones or the races but once you hit blacklist No4 my god its hard. Im on level 5 police before iv evan tagged 15 police cars i need 28! keep getting busted:(

Any tips anyone
I managed to do this earlier today :) Had 3 goes at it, and each time I managed all 3 milestones (tag 28 cars, 150000 bounty, and 350000 cost), but the first 2 times I got busted. 3rd time was a charm as not only did I finally manage to get away from the cops, but when they lost sight of me I was right next to a cooldown area.

Level 5 is hardcore though, really needs some sharp driving and complete concentration to even stand a chance. :)
Davey_Pitch said:
I managed to do this earlier today :) Had 3 goes at it, and each time I managed all 3 milestones (tag 28 cars, 150000 bounty, and 350000 cost), but the first 2 times I got busted. 3rd time was a charm as not only did I finally manage to get away from the cops, but when they lost sight of me I was right next to a cooldown area.

Level 5 is hardcore though, really needs some sharp driving and complete concentration to even stand a chance. :)

Nice 1 matey :) that proves that you are a better get-away driver than me then fact. ;)
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