Need help choosing a 240mm AIO for my Ryzen 1700

16 Jan 2013
Hey there folks so im currently saving my money for a new Gpu will either be a 2070 or 5700 XT which il purchase in late July/Early August i will have around 650 pounds saved so was wondering if i should get an AIO with the remainder of the money?

My R7 1700 is stock clocked currently and hits high 50's while gaming i know that your CPU's IPC is more important at lower resolution's and my Monitor is Ultrawide 1080p and i don't want my CPU bottle-necking my new gpu?

Any of you had any experience with the Deepcool Gamemaxx L240 it's RGB and looks pretty good and its well priced at 60 pounds i don't want to spend over like 75 really as don't think its worth it for a 240.

What have you's manage to get on a 240mm aio OC,Voltage and Temps?
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