Need Help Choosing RAM

1 May 2003
I am really stuck on which RAM for my Ryzen build, I have the 3900X and Auros Ultra motherboard.

32GB is my preference, I run a lot of VM's for various tasks.

I would prefer 2 sticks over the 4, which rules out 8 Pack, I am not overly keen on Corsair Vengance, seen more bad than good.

Appreciate any assistance here :)
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My hardware has turned up, just waiting on the memory.

I have looking at GSkill Flare X and Corsair Dominator as two potentials, but it seems to be a lottery on Samsung or Hynix.

My 2 cents on this is ... just get some 3600 CL16 .. .or 3600 CL14 memory ... don't get memory that is 4000+ and then try to fine-tune it because you'll have a loooot of headaches with it :D
As for brand ... You have the TeamGroup ARGB 3600CL14 that are just cute! :D

That Team Group T-Force Xtreem ARGB mirror finish does look nice, shame they only come in 8GB sticks only.

CMT32GX4M2C3200C16 - seems to be the winner and they're available, unlike the GSkill Flare X.
I picked up BLS16G4D32AESB for £50, this will tidy me over as I am going to the states in 12 weeks.

I can collect some F4-3200C14D-32GTZR or F4-3600C16D-32GTZN when I am there
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