Need help completely new to pc !

Ground yourself by regularly touching the PSU casing, or the case (metallic part not plastic), with the PSU plugged into the wall.

And switched OFF at both the wall and the PSU.

Magnetic screwdrivers and magnetic screw trays are your friends. If you're worried about it, OCUK will build your system for a modest extra cost.
Really appreciate all the help lads so in your opinions is this the best build for running modern games at as best quality as I can ?
Sorry to keep going on I just want to be 100% sure before buying ahaa

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £528.69
(includes shipping: £12.30)

Top tip: before you start unpacking the boxes and touching the components, ground yourself by touching a radiator.

Secondly, ensure you have plenty of cable ties available so you can keep the cabling neat. You don't need special cable ties, just ordinary ones from B&Q.
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