Need help finding a new office chair

23 Jul 2012
My old office chair finally gave way this week, and I needed on asap, so I ended up getting a Corsair T3 Rush. Well, it came today and it was awful, the shape of it is pure hell and it is way too small for me.

So will be sending it back, however, I need to get a replacement for it hopefully the same week.

My budget is around £200
I would like something made of fabric, however, as long as it's not mesh or real leather, I will be fine with something else.
No gaming chairs learnt my lesson with the Corsair T3
I'm 6 foot 3 with wide shoulders, so need something that can support my height.
Will be using it for most of the day

Any help would be great.
I've seen a lot of good things about the IKEA chairs which are around the £150 mark. I'm guessing being 6'3 you need something with a tall back
I think IKEA is right on the money with this one.
I have the IKEA Markus chair which has a mesh back and that's held up for 4+ years so far and at £175 you can't complain about that.

I'm 6'2" and have wide shoulders also, so I understand completely with finding the right fit.

Is there any specific reason you're not wanting a mesh back?
Any reason you're discounting mesh? I've just got myself a SIHOO Ergonomic Office Chair, which has a wide mesh back. Seems fairly well made and comfortable. I'm 6'2 and it's a good size for me. It was £169.

Can't post a link as it would be counted as a competitor.
Heard okay things about the Markus, but would personally go for a refurbed Herman Miller Aeron for the extra £50-100 you can get them for.
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