Need help in choosing an acoustic guitar please!

I just wanted to say (and I realise its rather irrelevant now) that buying acoustics takes allot more perseverance than electrics does. The problem with electrics is that apart from the ultra-high end, they are nearly all mass produced in factories, bolted together and given the very minimum of quality control. At the end of the day, an electric guitar is just a bulk of shaped wood and some strings.

Acoustics on the other hand are hand-built wonders of differing shapes and cavity sizes that have an astounding range of quality. You can buy expensive ones that sound dull and boring, cheap ones that sound bold and striking, middle range ones that knock your socks off. In the beginners market, you can find some which sound dreadful and others which sound like a professionals warm up instrument. To just settle for any old tat is not a good idea.

In that sense, I would say when buying an acoustic it is essential no matter what your skill to always try before you buy. In the case of electrics however, I believe this to be less important.
dark_shadow said:
Has anyone got any recommendations for website resources for complete new learners or recommended books?

Youtube :D

For this kind of thing:

Find the chords with this kind of thing:

You should be able to do this kind of thing in a week or maybe two if you're a slow learner (which I'm pretty sure you are):

If you can't play like that, then do this kind of thing:

Clinkz said:
In that sense, I would say when buying an acoustic it is essential no matter what your skill to always try before you buy. In the case of electrics however, I believe this to be less important.

Agreed, a rather duff sounding electric can also be spiced up a little with a massive range of available effects (although you still can't work miracles on a donkey....unless you are Mary, who I think did, or at least there was certainnly a donkey around somewhere........ :confused: anyway) This is a lot trickier to do with an acoustic, you are more "stuck" with it's basic sound :)
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Sweetloaf said:
Youtube :D

For this kind of thing:

Find the chords with this kind of thing:

You should be able to do this kind of thing in a week or maybe two if you're a slow learner (which I'm pretty sure you are):

If you can't play like that, then do this kind of thing:

Agreed, a rather duff sounding electric can also be spiced up a little with a massive range of available effects (although you still can't work miracles on a donkey....unless you are Mary, who I think did, or at least there was certainnly a donkey around somewhere........ :confused: anyway) This is a lot trickier to do with an acoustic, you are more "stuck" with it's basic sound :)

Sarcasm? no one can play that fast after two weeks of guitar surely?
Well done on the purchase, though before you really start playing, at least have one lesson wit ha professional teacher, this way, he/she will show you how to hold the guitar and get you into good habits (good habits are easy to start, bad habits are hard to break) that's the solid foundation for any guitar.

Have a look at all the great guitar players, technique wise they are spot on (thumb position is very important.)

Have fun mate, keep posting, let us know how you are going on and any thing else in which we can do to help, let us know, I my self am only learning too :)
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