Need Help Making Gaming Computer Budget 2-3k

Revolution6000 said:
It's funny, it's always wait till this, no no wait till then! What you should have waited even more!

PC parts come down in price rapidly, and there's always going to be something new. Just buy the best PC you can for your money and enjoy it.

Computers will always be getting updated and being outdated XD your so right hehe. And im sure il enjoy it XD im still amazed at all the help i've got here lol its really something.
peetee said:
Think the point was more that sometimes its literally 2 weeks away that they will be getting a conciderable update, so sometimes it can be worth the wait, especially since price drops coincide with new hardware release :)

I would wait if its a couple of weeks but not more than like months as i have already been waiting a pretty long time. And i dont think my brother will keep his game subscriptions up longer if he cant play XD
exactly XD lol. O well be buying my gear on Thursday. Yay. Cant wait to put it together and play eve lol.

I'm just worrying about handling the processor but i got a static band so it should be fine.
helmutcheese said:
we are mid Aug, Nov is about 9-10weeks away, be a bummer if you can get by now on current Rig and did spend a wad of cash to regret so soon into future, being there, done it and got the T Shirt and not just with PC hardware.

O well if its coming out in November its only 1 month away from Christmas XD
Im not that bad i can figure out most hardware crap out i replaced my mums graphics cards and ram and all that without even thinking about it so il give it a quick read and it shouldn't be a problem.
I'm quite happy with the setup i currently have, i think i will probably spend that little bit i've got left on my brother birthday or my car. I'm not sure yet. If it doesn't run upto where i want it i can always upgrade it next month :)

EDIT: I added the extreme LOL. wonder what happens when i overclock it.
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peetee said:
probably nothing noticable because you're currently using a very high spec machine =/
Maybes it will get hotter..

Hmm. rekon i should keep it unclocked so its safe ?

EDIT: il keep it as before i dont wanna keep having to check the temps incase it explodes :D
jidh007 said:

That's a very nice amount of cash you have there mate, I have a somewhat idiot friend who blew £2500 on a well specced Dell system which could have been built for around £1700 with better components.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it though, agreeing with the other members I really wouldn't bother with the 'extreme' processor. And if you can wait a few weeks, do it, well worth it imho.

Lol im currently using a DELL XPS which my mum got me :) i dont like it. Thus why im spending a wod of cash on a new computer. Cant wait to put it together :D my mum has just transfered the cash into my account but it takes 4 days :'( lol
peetee said:
I think you should really look at not buying the extreme edition/ULTRA components, you should really look at what you will use the PC for, and then look at what components will get you required performance etc..

So far you have only said you play eve, its a fairly old game etc isnt it?

Im just thinking because in year or so down the line the hundreds that can be saved by not wasting on the complete top end hardware can be used to replace anything that has become a bottleneck..
Most likely the graphics card first

I play eve-online, their new DX 10 client comes out at Christmas im also hoping to beta test tabula rasa and aion. But apart from that i do a lot of photoshop work. But heh im sure il find an insane game some time :D
The day has come....

And yes.... IM A HAPPY BOI XD


These will be the longest 24 hours of my life. LOL wow... how sad am i XD
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