NEED HELP URGENT!! Comp won't power up!

ok so i have just got home and plugged comp in and powers up, but still won't run 2 sticks of ram in any slots, thinking about it could it be the motherboard battery that has gone? is this a possibility or is it more than likely to be new mobo time :(?
babyface uk said:
ok, got it back and psu is at fault, bro tried an old 450w psu and works ok, strange thing is he hasn't connnected the molex power conector or floppy connector on the mobo and it boots ok, when I first built the machine it would even post until these 2 power connectors where on, oh well.

Babyface UK

As above, psu problem, new one in and all is well
another update guys both ram modules are now working comp booting but in single chan mode (slots 1+2) :confused: but still won't boot in slots 2+4 which my board recommends for dual channel
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