A question i am qualified to answer for a change.
As honest as ever you need Both.
Got over 800 hours logged on BF2 so for 30 odd quids it's a bargain. Have lost the buzz for it at the moment but it will return. The game is fabulous.
The maps are Huge and awesome the vehicles are varied and brilliant. The trooper classes are very indivdual and excellent to learn and the award scheme is very satisfying.
Heres my BF2 stats not waved my BF2 willy about for ages so e r.
As far as COD2 goes this is what i am currently playing and have been for a week or so. Great game but lets not kid ourselves its COD1 with a better look to it. This is enouth for me though as i was a massive COD fan ( Hi Slinky old COD clan Dude )
There are little variations like the wound recovery thingy but basically it's just a revamped COD. I love the instant action of COD fps. No messing fire her up and in about 45 seconds you are killing and being killed. None of that looking around for folk as there are the usual numm nutt tools rushing about (ME
) I am trying hard to Rifle and lose my noob shell but you know what it's like when TOMMY is about.
So buy them both and come and kill me.
Other games i would suggest Racers but you need a wheel for the games i play which are in order.
RFactor, GTL, GTR, RBR.