need online game

16 Jan 2005
i need an online game cant live without them at the minute though css isnt that good, never really been impressed with it. i still think bf1942 is the best game. so im going to try and buy one of these cod 2, battlefield 2 any other suggestions? which one has the biggest following and good clans?
A question i am qualified to answer for a change.
As honest as ever you need Both. :p
Got over 800 hours logged on BF2 so for 30 odd quids it's a bargain. Have lost the buzz for it at the moment but it will return. The game is fabulous.
The maps are Huge and awesome the vehicles are varied and brilliant. The trooper classes are very indivdual and excellent to learn and the award scheme is very satisfying.
Heres my BF2 stats not waved my BF2 willy about for ages so e r.

As far as COD2 goes this is what i am currently playing and have been for a week or so. Great game but lets not kid ourselves its COD1 with a better look to it. This is enouth for me though as i was a massive COD fan ( Hi Slinky old COD clan Dude )
There are little variations like the wound recovery thingy but basically it's just a revamped COD. I love the instant action of COD fps. No messing fire her up and in about 45 seconds you are killing and being killed. None of that looking around for folk as there are the usual numm nutt tools rushing about (ME :p ) I am trying hard to Rifle and lose my noob shell but you know what it's like when TOMMY is about. :D
So buy them both and come and kill me. :cool:

Other games i would suggest Racers but you need a wheel for the games i play which are in order.
RFactor, GTL, GTR, RBR.
malc30 said:
A question i am qualified to answer for a change.
As honest as ever you need Both.
Got over 800 hours logged on BF2 so for 30 odd quids it's a bargain. Have lost the buzz for it at the moment but it will return. The game is fabulous.
The maps are Huge and awesome the vehicles are varied and brilliant. The trooper classes are very indivdual and excellent to learn and the award scheme is very satisfying.
Heres my BF2 stats not waved my BF2 willy about for ages so e r.

As far as COD2 goes this is what i am currently playing and have been for a week or so. Great game but lets not kid ourselves its COD1 with a better look to it. This is enouth for me though as i was a massive COD fan ( Hi Slinky old COD clan Dude )
There are little variations like the wound recovery thingy but basically it's just a revamped COD. I love the instant action of COD fps. No messing fire her up and in about 45 seconds you are killing and being killed. None of that looking around for folk as there are the usual numm nutt tools rushing about (ME :p ) I am trying hard to Rifle and lose my noob shell but you know what it's like when TOMMY is about. :D
So buy them both and come and kill me. :cool:

Other games i would suggest Racers but you need a wheel for the games i play which are in order.
RFactor, GTL, GTR, RBR.

Pfff no basic pistol combat badge! What are you trying to prove waving that about without filling in the gaps ;) :p

Whoop said:
Pfff no basic pistol combat badge! What are you trying to prove waving that about without filling in the gaps ;) :p


:p I know but every time i go on i just go into kill mode and forget about it. Whats worse is if i get the pistol badge i have about 3 other awards dropped on top. I still can't stick with a pistol. :D
Anyways if you can match my K/D then you can talk. ;)
just played cod2 demo and its looking like im going to buy it is the multiplayer better than the single player because the single player is really good
zenith10 said:
is cod2 worth getting?

It's one of the best SP games I have ever played (and i've played a lot) I played the xbox 360 version on Veteran skill level though, really enjoyed it.

Can't coment on MP.
malc30 said:
:p I know but every time i go on i just go into kill mode and forget about it. Whats worse is if i get the pistol badge i have about 3 other awards dropped on top. I still can't stick with a pistol. :D
Anyways if you can match my K/D then you can talk. ;)

171 hours in a tank, no wonder you're K/D ratio is as it is. :p

800 hours overall though, ******* hell dude. That's a bit..ridiculous! :eek:
Spunj99 said:
171 hours in a tank, no wonder you're K/D ratio is as it is. :p

800 hours overall though, ******* hell dude. That's a bit..ridiculous! :eek:

No mention of your K/D then so i take it this old man still PWNS. :D
800 hours is not ridiculous its obsessive and sad and yes i do need to get a life. :(
I did stop playing it a couple of weeks ago though. Whether i go back is debatable. It's just got to easy and repetitive. Last time on 3 rounds 2 Golds.
Yes COD2 is definetly worth getting. The single player on it's own is worth the price let alone the hours of online gaming you will get. Don't forget it's not just a TDM game but also S&D HQ DM and Capture.
malc30 said:
No mention of your K/D then so i take it this old man still PWNS. :D
800 hours is not ridiculous its obsessive and sad and yes i do need to get a life. :(
I did stop playing it a couple of weeks ago though. Whether i go back is debatable. It's just got to easy and repetitive. Last time on 3 rounds 2 Golds.
Yes COD2 is definetly worth getting. The single player on it's own is worth the price let alone the hours of online gaming you will get. Don't forget it's not just a TDM game but also S&D HQ DM and Capture.


Never use tanks or anything though, always prancing around on foot. :p

Got quite a few nice badges and stuff though, doing pretty well for 71 hours played tbh.
zenith10 said:
i need an online game cant live without them at the minute though css isnt that good, never really been impressed with it. i still think bf1942 is the best game. so im going to try and buy one of these cod 2, battlefield 2 any other suggestions? which one has the biggest following and good clans?

Go and get a good MMG (WoW be a good start) that should take up a bit of time. My EQ1 Chr was 420days old when I quit. That works out to 10,080hrs gameplay on that one chr. (goes back to dribbleing in a corner)
Spunj99 said:
171 hours in a tank, no wonder you're K/D ratio is as it is. :p

800 hours overall though, ******* hell dude. That's a bit..ridiculous! :eek:

Thats nothing ask a MMORPG palyer for their time /played. :eek:
Spunj99 said:


Never use tanks or anything though, always prancing around on foot. :p

Got quite a few nice badges and stuff though, doing pretty well for 71 hours played tbh.

:D AHA Seeings as you ripped me for not having my pistol badge i shall point out that i also dont have a Purple heart. WHICH YOU DO. :D :p

Good effort though mate. I wish i was back at 71 and had it all to do again. :cool:

Also my 800 hours is about 2-3 hours a day since day of release. I had it on the second it came out which is why i got my own name malc which for once is damn cool.

And sorry for hijack o.p.
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