Need peoples views on doom 3!!!!

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I am trading somone my COD2 for doom 3 with the expansion pack. Is it worth it? Is doom 3 a good game, im not nin for the scares, im in for the gameplay! Is the MP good aswell?
i thought it good at first, played in the dark with the volume up, as it is scarey(which is part of the gameplay?), but it soon becomes very repetitive and therefore becomes less and less scarey.

Personally i dont think its as bad as some like to make out(apart from the multiplayer which is bad).
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Doom 3 is cool, just bullrush through the game like you really are a marine trapped on a space station scared out of his wits and it's scary, shocking and great fun. The expansion is ok, more of the same just not as well done, but worth a play.
doom 3 is fun, played through it 3 times now, quite scary, and good graphics. Dont expect a "deep" game just shooting zombies and demons. recommended. compared to cod2 its not as good but then again the setting/style is different.
ethan said:
True! and quake 1 was better :)

absolute truth : I got kitted out then got Doomiii. played it.

then got ultimate + final doom (PS1) and played that for months at night on my PS2, amazing experience even now. knocks whacking great big church bells out of Doom iii.
Enter room - lights go out - shoot whatever's spawned behind you, shoot whatevers spawned in front of you - leave room - repeat, that pretty much covers 90% of the game.

Storyline wasn't engaging, I didn't find the graphics to be anything special (I guess because most of the time you couldn't see anything), I wasn't impressed by the physics (indestructable candles), I couldn't be bothered to finish it and gave my copy away.
PieEater said:
Enter room - lights go out - shoot whatever's spawned behind you, shoot whatevers spawned in front of you - leave room - repeat, that pretty much covers 90% of the game.

Storyline wasn't engaging, I didn't find the graphics to be anything special (I guess because most of the time you couldn't see anything), I wasn't impressed by the physics (indestructable candles), I couldn't be bothered to finish it and gave my copy away.

and you bought a pie instead?
PieEater said:
Wish I had, I would have enjoyed it more.

unless you bit into it and it was just a gimmicky toy pie made of cruddy plastic.

(i'm thinking along the candles/ physics still...)
I enjoyed it. Nothing special by any means, but fairly enjoyable fodder, which I played in quick blasts cos I was generally too wussy to play it for extended periods of time. MP isn't all that great from what I've heard though (I never bothered to try it).
First time I played it on my brand new 1337 system, headphones on, sound right up, scared the HELL out of me. Seriously, it genuinely had me scared.

This initial effect wore off after a while. The game became quite dull and repetitive, although it had the odd few good moments throughout. I'm still yet to complete it.
MiGSY said:
First time I played it on my brand new 1337 system, headphones on, sound right up, scared the HELL out of me. Seriously, it genuinely had me scared.

This initial effect wore off after a while. The game became quite dull and repetitive, although it had the odd few good moments throughout. I'm still yet to complete it.
same here, after admiring the eye candy and getting scared a few times i got bored and still aint finished it hehe
YOU have to play or REPLAY with this mod , it makes it look fantastic

GTX is a powerful graphic evolution of Doom3.

Bloom shader;
Parallax mapping;
RealMetal Ex (it's a new version of RM, not a revision);
Weapons Reflection;
Distance Grow;
Simple effect like sparks;
Floor Reflection.
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