Need recomendation/build for a dedicated Jellyfin server for a complete beginner!

If the data isn't critical, no real reason to have a parity drive, with relatively few ssd's vs many hdd's, when you've got online backup too. But, restoring from BB can be a pain, you get a zip, then have to extract, so need double the space free of whatever you restore.
But for copies of movies it's a bit of a non issue. Family photos and business stuff, is a bit different, but if that's only a few-couple hundred gb can literally just have an extra copy on a second drive rather than a full 4tb ssd for parity :)
If the data isn't critical, no real reason to have a parity drive, with relatively few ssd's vs many hdd's, when you've got online backup too. But, restoring from BB can be a pain, you get a zip, then have to extract, so need double the space free of whatever you restore.
But for copies of movies it's a bit of a non issue. Family photos and business stuff, is a bit different, but if that's only a few-couple hundred gb can literally just have an extra copy on a second drive rather than a full 4tb ssd for parity :)

Yeah I think losing a drive would be a pain no matter what lol. If I back up a 4tb drive does that mean Id have to unzip it on a 8tb drive... yikes! lol. TBH i think its really unlikely a drive will fail when the content is going to be stationary for the majority of its life. I'm more worried about my tv shows. While I have the discs, I sometimes source from all over the world for the best picture, plus the work catogorising it and adding art etc etc. Just that peace of mind I wouldnt have to go through all that again. I also have a stance on Disney+ shows that don't have home media, but I won't go into that here lol.

One day they will all get replaced with 8tb drives no doubt, if prices keep going in this direction. :)
I've got a technical question if someone can help a beginner lol;

If my PC has one 2.5gbe connection, the NAS has one 2.5gbe connection and my Internet modem has one 2.5gbe connection (my Internet speed is 1 gigabit) which device should I be plugging into the 2.5gbe connection on the modem, the NAS or PC for the fastest speed when transferring files from the PC to the NAS? Do I need to buy some kind of splitter to connect both devices to the 2.5gbe port on the modem? Sorry for the daft question just starting out, not even sure if Internet speed will affect transferring files from one local device to another like this.
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You'll need both to be connected to 2.5gbe ports for max speeds.
Buy a 2.5(or higher) switch, and connect everything to that

Edit: or a router if you don't have one, only have the modem with one port on it, and want everything to connect to the net nicely. But I imagine this isn't the case.
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You'll need both to be connected to 2.5gbe ports for max speeds.
Buy a 2.5(or higher) switch, and connect everything to that

Thank you. Would a switch work with a Virgin Media Hub 5? I read somewhere it wouldn't but that was possibly with it set in modem mode or something.
A switch will yes. They are simple (or smart managed) boxes that just forward traffic. One port (Any) connects to another switch or router, and then all the others act like extra ports on that device. No config needed.
Additional routers require turning off dhcp on either that or the virgin box etc. Which is probably what you are thinking of.
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