Ok, currently running a 3770k at 4.5ghz and I'm finding my 780 and the cpu are hitting 100% in an awful lot of things that shouldn't even be touching them.
Now I've pretty much decided to just get something newer as I don't want to find a second hand mobo just to find the fault is elsewhere(I believe my mobo is throttling things) I'd rather just upgrade.
However I'm a little stuck on what to go for, 4790k, 6700k or the 5820k.
I play lots of different games but I also play and stream world of tanks mostly, that is a game that is heavily single core reliant.
Which then leaves me stuck as to whether to go for stronger single core (4790k, 6700k) or to go for a 5820k and overclock the hell out of it (if I'm lucky).
Was hoping some guys here would have some experience and advice for me please.
Now I've pretty much decided to just get something newer as I don't want to find a second hand mobo just to find the fault is elsewhere(I believe my mobo is throttling things) I'd rather just upgrade.
However I'm a little stuck on what to go for, 4790k, 6700k or the 5820k.
I play lots of different games but I also play and stream world of tanks mostly, that is a game that is heavily single core reliant.
Which then leaves me stuck as to whether to go for stronger single core (4790k, 6700k) or to go for a 5820k and overclock the hell out of it (if I'm lucky).
Was hoping some guys here would have some experience and advice for me please.