Need some help with antec 300

13 Apr 2010

I am trying to change my case from a PB case to a Antec 300, the 300 came with some wires for power etc which look different from the ones in my case, i cannot take the orignal wires out of my case because i cannot take the top off.

Now i dont know where the wires that came with the antec go on my mobo

heres some pics of the wires that came with the Antec and my mobo where the orignal wires are

Here are the wires that came with the antec, the blue/white one is the reset switch

mobo picture where i think the wires go

picture of the USB and HDA cable, some reason it also has a AC97 cable attached to it (dunno what ac97 is)

picture of mobo where ive put the usb/hda cable

My motherboard is Foxconn San fransisco 2
heres a link to it:

EDIT: For some reason the front panel USB ports and input jack for the mic/speakers dont work, ive tried rearranging the wires but it doesnt help, there's a green box where I have put the USB cable from the front panel, if I don't put it in there the machine don't start, here a little diagram:
Thank you

any help would be really appreciated

Thank you very much
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EDIT: For some reason the front panel USB ports and input jack for the mic/speakers dont work, ive tried rearranging the wires but it doesnt help, there's a green box where I have put the USB cable from the front panel, if I don't put it in there the machine don't start, here a little diagram:
Thank you
Right, you need to look VERY closely at the motherboard. On the pics I can see the words USB2 and F 1394 on the yellow and green sockets.

The yellow sockets will be USB2 sockets and the green is 1394 (Firewire).

The multi-coloured pins towards the front of the board certainly appear to be for the PWR, LED, RESET etc.

Regarding the audio cables, depending on your board you can EITHER use the HDA or the AC97, but not both IIRC.

AC97 is just a standard audio cable.

These pics might help you out (ignore that it shows a green USB port, as it refers to a different model)...


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