need to get online, but how? *urgent*

25 Jun 2004
in the clouds
my computers dead, I had a harddrive failure and had to do a complete format. I need now to get online but I have lost the installation disk for my broadband modem:( I have no way to get online, and am currently writing this from works computer. I will be able to get a driver of the manufacturers website in a few days but is there any way I can get online now? Ive got a 56k modem, can I use this to get online just to get the modem drivers, if so how? or can I make the modem work without the driver?

any ideas??
nO}{8 said:
Ive got a 56k modem, can I use this to get online just to get the modem drivers, if so how?

How do you think? PAYG dialup (a la Freeserve or one of dozens of ISPs)...

or can I make the modem work without the driver?

Nope. Without the software that goes with it, yes, without the driver, no.
Windows Xp recognizes most modems and installs suitable software.

Whilst at work suggest you set up an account with:
They offer the cheapest hourly rates during the day on an 0844 number
2 pence a minute at peak
1 penny at other times.
Just takes a few mins to register and your away

Print out your logging on details!
To save signing up you could use Inspiron:

1. No sign up
2. Setup your computer with our number
3. Use immediately

To use inspiron's fast dial up internet (with your existing email address) then be our guest by simply changing the dial up settings on your computer to:

56K: 0845 665 1888
ISDN: 0845 665 1884
[email protected]
Password: guest

Set everything to Server assigned and off you go

I used this when I migrated to Zen. It was migrated so quickly that I didn't even have chance to pick up the e-mail with new account details, so had to use dial up to get the username and password etc. :)
USB is terrible for TCP/IP. It wasn't designed for networking at all what so ever and so had to be adapted.
To be fair, most common computers nowadays have NIC cards, I don't see no point in using USB modems. They hog up the USB bandwidth.
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