Neighbour Problems - Advice?

This is a little gem, even if it was questionable a formal looking letter would likely put a scare factor into place.

Once you've requested it, they have to supply you with the video within 30 days, failure to do so means you can report them to the ICO.
Further, you can also request that they delete all copies of images of you, your family or boundary.

You can keep on requesting each month too!

They must also erect clear signage that they are video and have sufficient justification that they are filming outside of their own boundary.
I noticed from your man cave thread your fence is quite small, expensive I know, but could you build a higher fence so they can't see over and communicate?


To be fair the fence is a "normal" 6ft high fence. I wasn't aware I could have higher than that. For an additional 2ft reprieve it would give as well it wouldn't help with the upstairs bedroom staring but certainly is an idea I'll consider. It may help a bit with the day to day feeling of unease in the garden.
Once you've requested it, they have to supply you with the video within 30 days, failure to do so means you can report them to the ICO.
Further, you can also request that they delete all copies of images of you, your family or boundary.

You can keep on requesting each month too!

They must also erect clear signage that they are video and have sufficient justification that they are filming outside of their own boundary.

@Steveocee - just for reference here's the relevant info regarding domestic CCTV:
I don't think this is relating to his CCTV though. His recordings are likely handheld camera.

Ah right, yeah, sorry - slightly different I think then, and really hard to find anything 100% relevant! :D

Seems like you only resort is reporting them to the police for harassment. As others have said, log it and record it when you can - just do your best not to escalate. Good luck though, it's a horrible situation to be in!
- you have CCTV too so the can reciprocate a demand you make.

still - all doesn't make sense
Police didn't form some kind of opinion of any basis for their hassling from previous interventions ? or, he was totally incoherent.
If they had filmed with any concerns of child supervision they would have called the SS
The idea that they wanted a closer relationship, but then U-turned
..mediation service of some kind via another neighbour who can try and understand their problem-
- you have CCTV too so the can reciprocate a demand you make.

still - all doesn't make sense
Police didn't form some kind of opinion of any basis for their hassling from previous interventions ? or, he was totally incoherent.
If they had filmed with any concerns of child supervision they would have called the SS
The idea that they wanted a closer relationship, but then U-turned
..mediation service of some kind via another neighbour who can try and understand their problem-

I'm fine with that. My CCTV points at MY property and isn't doing anything it shouldn't. I don't believe I fall into needing to be GDPR compliant reading through the ICO documentation. I am already anticipating their response so I'll likely fill out a SAR response anyway straight after filling in the SAR to send to them (to be on the front foot).

The Police handled the 2 incidents individually and on both occasions strongly advised them verbally to stay away from us and leave us alone.

Yes they did seem to U-turn, almost like they didn't like us not wanting to be best mates with them. He come's across as a bully and they don't like being told no. Even before this he was trying to tell me what colout I should be painting my garden wall at the front and got disgruntled when I didn't paint it.

We don't want mediation, they've gone too far for us to want to repair any relationship, threatening to and being held back from harming my partner? Why would I want to be "ok" with this person?

To be fair the fence is a "normal" 6ft high fence. I wasn't aware I could have higher than that. For an additional 2ft reprieve it would give as well it wouldn't help with the upstairs bedroom staring but certainly is an idea I'll consider. It may help a bit with the day to day feeling of unease in the garden.

:D I didn't realise the fence was that tall tbh, that man cave is bigger than I thought! Grow some trees!
Is that building adjacent to their side?

Perhaps that's wound them up a bit, nobody likes things changing next to them, and if he's as picky as you make him sound, I can imagine a massive grey concrete shed appearing along his fence line would be viewed as some sort of monstrosity. More so if it's permitted development and there's not a sod he can do about it.
Is that building adjacent to their side?
Perhaps that's wound them up a bit, nobody likes things changing next to them, and if he's as picky as you make him sound, I can imagine a massive grey concrete shed appearing along his fence line would be viewed as some sort of monstrosity. More so if it's permitted development and there's not a sod he can do about it.

Yes it is on the adjoining fence line (not up against it) and there wasn't a murmur from them. We moved in some 4 years ago and they "kicked off" about 2 years ago. If it is my cave then no wonder they're salty.
With you. OK I'll check into the legality of it, I only really looked as far as CCTV previously but I guess handheld is somewhat more intentional. Reporting them videoing our kids in a paddling pool would very likely cause a visit and a full report and as daft as this sounds, they haven't admitted to "that" so wouldn't we be lying to the police to get our story heard?

My endgame here is a quiet life (if that is at all possible in any walk of life).

If you really want a quiet life then move. Or get someone they don't know to go round and have a strong word with them that way you can deny knowing the person so no proof of any wrong doing.

Also the next time he swears and there being no real cause. Tell him what he is doing wrong and if he keeps going I'd say there is no point in trying to reason with them. State as such and just completely ignore them going forward and tell them that is your intention.

If they are going to keep staring at you in your garden then build a wall (fence, plant trees, etc).

The one thing that really got me though was an overhanging aerial? How is this effecting him? He doesn't own the space above his land to a point. As in if a plane wanted to fly over his house it can do so freely. Unless the aerial was ridiculously huge or looked in a state of neglect where it could fall on his car then there should really be no issue. Him then asking for your wi-fi password I would have told him where to go. He likely wanted it to download indecent images of children based on the other stuff you have mentioned.

As for parking his cars right next to yours. A few well placed nails usually gets the message across.

Get CCTV installed to protect your own property first.

now seeing the build pictures .. looks like a contributory cause, unless they explicitly said it was not impacting them ?
but - OK - if you had shown them full mock-ups of what it would look like ... can't see which way the sunlight goes. ... assume your cctv doesn't flood-light their garden.

(in minor comparison neighbours got - must be 3m ridge garden data center/shed (IR footprint from space I speculate) 5m off of the back of our 15m back garden .. diminishes our view+value, but not his, with 80m garden - but, there before we were.)

now seeing the build pictures .. looks like a contributory cause, unless they explicitly said it was not impacting them ?
but - OK - if you had shown them full mock-ups of what it would look like ... can't see which way the sunlight goes. ... assume your cctv doesn't flood-light their garden.

(in minor comparison neighbours got - must be 3m ridge garden data center/shed (IR footprint from space I speculate) 5m off of the back of our 15m back garden .. diminishes our view+value, but not his, with 80m garden - but, there before we were.)

Cave has never been mentioned by neighbour. Hardly a reason to start recording my children because they don't like my shed though?
Hi everyone.

Really saddened to get to this point but I don't know who to go to so thought I'd ask around. I'll shorten this as much as I can.

Relationship was initially ok, they are in their 65+ maybe 70s. We are 30's with kids and are modern enough not to want a tight knit relationship with our neighbour.

Fast forward:

Neighbour phoned me swearing down the phone due to us "blocking him" on his drive. He phoned the police. My mums car was 1 inch onto the drop curb.
Mum went to move car and he came out swearing and threatening my mum, I moved his finger he was pointing in my mums face towards me and asked him to threaten someone who wouldn't back down.
Neighbour spent the next 3 months both him and his family parking as close to our vehicles as he could (literally mm's gaps left).

Lady from next door poked head out of window and shouted b***h at my then fiance, fiance went round to ask what the problem was (yep shouldn't have done that). She wanted to speak to the woman only but the man got very abusive and physically had to be restrained by his wife. We phoned the police and they fully admitted what they had done. Police advised them to leave us alone.

Old man comes out of house whilst I am carrying my now wifes wedding dress inside following our reception party swearing at me and calling me every name under the sun. I ignore him.

Old man starts coming to my place of work asking to see my boss for no reason. He is nothing to do with my work, not a customer anything. Just wanted to complain about an employees illegal activities. My boss refuses to see him and I call the police, neighbour is again advised to not harass me or mu family at home or work.

Old man invites me round, thinking this would be an end to it and he'll tell me his medication has been wrong or something I go round. He gives me some 50+ pages about party wall agreements and that the TV aerial I have lashed on the chimney is breaking the law and I am trespassing but if I give him access to my WiFi he will forget all about it. He also says I am lucky he hasn't charged me for the paper and solicitor fees for the 50+ page document. I left quietly.

Old man starts shouting at me in the front garden as I'm bringing children inside from the car about the "trees" growing under the wall between us. The 2 weeds are getting longer and yeah they probably need killing but shouting, swearing etc isn't the way of going about it.
I go back into my garden and he is F ing and swearing about what has he done wrong and how arrogant I am etc etc etc.

Wife tells me of odd incident in garden where she felt she was being watched. She look sup and old lady has her head out of the windows but with net curtain over it staring at her, she waves, says hi and old lady goes back in.

Wife has another odd feeling of being watched. We replay CCTV of the time and I catch old lady moving loose slat in fence panel to look at my children who have been playing in the garden. I screwed slat in place.

Fast forward to recent bank holiday, kids are playing in garden and we have an echo dot on, not loud but old man goes out to his shed and turns his music up, I usher kids into my cave so they can hear music, he turns his up full volume. Kids can't hear their music and we give up, turn off and go into the house.

That was it though, I wait until kids are inside, old man turns off and starts to go in and I verbally let loose, I shouldn't have but I got it all out.
All neighbour can come back with is that they are going to phone social services and get our kids taken off us because my wife is never there. Reality is I no longer have a work van due to new job and take the 1 car we have.
they also admitted to videoing us and our children regularly. They have CCTV but I don't think it catches us so this must be some kind of hand held if at all.

We have a neighbour at the back of both our houses who happened to catch my wife earlier today who confirmed that he often sees the neighbours standing in the windows staring at us and our children and that the couple have previously caused lots of problems with neighbours.

It's the bit about watching my children which is really getting to me. We don't want to repair a relationship with them, they have gone too far but we do want them to leave us alone and stop causing trouble. They are an old couple and I do appreciate they likely get lonely and don't have a lot better to do but we have our life which we want to be happy as well. I don't want to move and if we did I'd have to declare the police incidents to the buyer.

Who can I go to? What can I do? My wife and I feel miserable about our house and trapped as we can't move and feel under constant scrutiny.
It's stressful, slap the old ******* with a restraining order.
At my work, which I won't mention as the employer is quite restricted about info being shared, I deal with some odd people. The sad small creatures wait all day long for their opportunity to be noticed, despite being by the use of abusive language.
There's people who can't afford the piece and quiet they dreamed of, and usually they tend to try and overtake other people's space, or trying to run the neighborhood as a dictator.
The solution to your problems is cover yourself legally and push for a restraining order. Clearly their behaviour is distressed you and your family, and before things turns worst than already is, or even causes problems in your relationship, sort the real problem out.
Being a loser with plenty of time at his hands isn't a voucher to harass you.
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