Neighbours gone away and left their barking dog alone at home

19 May 2005
Our next door neighbour (in a semi detached property with paper thin walls) has decided to go away and has left their dog home alone and it is continually barking from 5am onward till the early hours. It started on Friday and it's still happening tonight, so I have a feeling they might be gone for the rest of the week. I think someone must be turning up to feed it, but have been leaving the house as much as possible over the weekend to get some peace and quiet.

We have had issues before when they used to leave it home alone while at work, but this is taking the **** now. I'm going to have strong words when they get back and if it continues i'll have to go the noise complaint route.

If I manage to catch the person that's feeding it and they can't do anything about the barking, is there anyone I can call that will come and take the dog away? I'm guessing not and I'll just have to put up with it :(. It's currently 10pm and I want to go to sleep, but all I can hear is barking :mad:.
Not really fair to leave it alone for that long, and if someone pops in to feed it, what about walking it as well? poor dog is probably lonely and thinks it's been abandoned. Almost more peaceful for you if you were looking after it in your house!
They got the dog a few years back when she was off work with anxiety, so it always had company. Then she went back to work and started leaving the dog alone during the day and it was just like now with constant barking for 10 hours every day. The walls are paper thin, so it sounds just like theres a dog in our house. You can't even escape the noise outside as it follows you around and runs into their conservatory. We let them know about the barking, but it still continued and we were on the verge of making a noise complaint, but then it stopped and hasn't been too bad. They still let it out every night around 10pm and it barks outside for ages, but it's not too much of an issue.

This is the worst its ever been and I'm really annoyed they have done this when they know the dog barks when they're not in. I guess theres not really much I can do as it's not like the dogs lifes in danger or anything. I'll just have to try and catch the dog walker and see if they can do anything. At least i'll know how long we are going to have to put up with it, which I'm hoping isn't going to be all week or i'll go crazy.

Also I'm concerned about my budgie as they need 10-12 hours of undisturbed sleep and I bet he's getting hardly any at the moment :(. I hope it wont affect his health.
I have no idea why people get dogs only to treat them like this, makes me so mad :mad: And no thought for anyone else but themselves :mad:

Our neighbor just sticks her dog outside to bark at 2am, drives us mad. When I politely asked if there was anything she could do about it, I got told not her problem and b****r off! Unbelievable.
I have no idea why people get dogs only to treat them like this, makes me so mad :mad: And no thought for anyone else but themselves :mad:

Our neighbor just sticks her dog outside to bark at 2am, drives us mad. When I politely asked if there was anything she could do about it, I got told not her problem and b****r off! Unbelievable.

I've got 3-4 neighbours all around me with dogs.

2 have destroyed our fence. from one side and the back. I spoke with the one who made massive holes. Said they would fix it. Over a year has gone and they have done nothing.

the one from the back keeps his 2 massive rottweilers locked up in cages outside all year round. he lets them out sometimes to run around in the garden. i've never seen him walk them. they are very aggressive. if any of the other neighbours let their dogs out in back garden and they aren't in their cages they try and batter the fence down.

if i ever have people over for BBQ's etc it's constantly barking and battering at the fence. the only time i've heard the owner speak to the dogs is to swear at them.

i'm pretty sure the only reason he must have them is to breed them as he has 2 of them one male and one female.

dogs should just be banned tbh. nobody looks after them properly and who can if you are working?
Our next door neighbour (in a semi detached property with paper thin walls) has decided to go away and has left their dog home alone and it is continually barking from 5am onward till the early hours. It started on Friday and it's still happening tonight, so I have a feeling they might be gone for the rest of the week. I think someone must be turning up to feed it, but have been leaving the house as much as possible over the weekend to get some peace and quiet.

We have had issues before when they used to leave it home alone while at work, but this is taking the **** now. I'm going to have strong words when they get back and if it continues i'll have to go the noise complaint route.

If I manage to catch the person that's feeding it and they can't do anything about the barking, is there anyone I can call that will come and take the dog away? I'm guessing not and I'll just have to put up with it :(. It's currently 10pm and I want to go to sleep, but all I can hear is barking :mad:.

RSPCA maybe worth a shout if they deem the dog is in distress they will most likely look to gain entry into the property and take the dog away. It would teach the owners a lesson in looking after a dog.

I have family members which have dogs and usually when they go away we end up looking after them.
Report to the council for the noise and the RSPCA for possible neglect/cruelty. I'm not sure why are so reluctant to do anything if they don't care about their dogs why should you care about them?
Council should have a dog warden to report issues such as this to. I had to call them out to deal with next door after their Alsatian got into my property and chased me around my drive whilst the owner just looked on. If I had had anything on my feet I would have definitely tried to kick it to death. Warden made them beef up the fence and install a proper gate at the front. Still barks at the drop of a hat, though at least I am not on the shared side of the semi to them. Their actual next door neighbours life must be a living hell. They called the dog Diesel. I said to the warden they should have got an unleaded one. They never walk it anywhere and just let it run around their garden, doesn't even have a collar that I have seen. I am pretty sure the bloke is **** scared of it himself, his wife does most of the interaction with it, though that is mainly her shouting "DIESEL!" when it does something it shouldn't be doing, which is about 99.9% of the time. One thing is for sure then will absolutely never get burgled.
Thankfully the last two days have been totally quiet, so i'm guessing another neighbour must have complained to the dog feeder and they have taken the dog with them. I was talking with a neighbour across the road and they said someone turned up the day before and dropped their dog off, so there were two dogs barking. I'm hoping they did that in the hope that company for the dog would quieten it down and not so they could get rid of their own dog for a day...

Thanks for the replies, i'll look into the councils dog warden and RSPCA for next time, or if it starts again in the next few days. I have lived here for over 20 years, so I don't really want to make enemies of my next door neighbour as that can end up being even worse than a barking dog judging by a recent thread on here. But if the civil route doesn't work this time then I'll have to. Reading some of your stories and those online it seems to be a common problem and some have it much worse than me. I feel really bad for anyone that has to put up with this all the time as it must start to affect your mental health after a while.
Now I work from home I have noticed just how many people have dogs that just bark all day or at every disturbance such as a passing car/person. There are at least 7 I hear countless times per day.
What was the outcome of your situation? I think I vaguely remember the thread, was it the garden full of rubbish?

Blimey, what a memory but it wasn't rubbish, it was the three kids toys.
The outcome was the dog stayed in the back garden barking for a week with no food or water (except from the rain) and no help from the RSPCA.

In the last picture you can see the RSCPA mans arm saying "He's got plenty of water".






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Did you get it sorted in the end though, or is it still going on?

I think thats the same breed of dog as my neighbours as well!

They ended up getting evicted with around £80,000 in debt plus their mortgage arrears.
When the new owner started stripping the house and putting stuff in skips she was turning up at 6am taking stuff out, it was quite sad.
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