Nervous on phones??

I think it's because of things such as email and text messaging that people are nervous on the phone nowadays. I have no problem speaking on the phone, and can enjoy it quite a lot of the time, but many of my mates always used to not seem to want to phone. Conversation would go something like:

"Where are they then?"
"Don't know, I texted them."
"Call them then to see where they are?"
"Ermm...I'll just send another text I think, we can wait"

It's like, you're going to be speaking to them in person in a couple of minutes anyway, CALL THEM! Not even like it's that expensive to call from a mobile nowadays.
Jenjey said:
My ex boyfriend always got nervous on the phone, to the extent he just wouldn't call somewhere, i.e taxi. Very annoying from my point of view, but I can understand it may be a bit awkward.

My ex used to refuse to phone any takeaway. She complained she couldn't understand them, but I can't understand them either! Grr.
Carzy said:
I think it's because of things such as email and text messaging that people are nervous on the phone nowadays. I have no problem speaking on the phone, and can enjoy it quite a lot of the time, but many of my mates always used to not seem to want to phone. Conversation would go something like:

"Where are they then?"
"Don't know, I texted them."
"Call them then to see where they are?"
"Ermm...I'll just send another text I think, we can wait"

It's like, you're going to be speaking to them in person in a couple of minutes anyway, CALL THEM! Not even like it's that expensive to call from a mobile nowadays.
That's probably the case with some people but personally I've always hated talking on the phone, before I had email and before I even knew what mobile phones were :o
It's probably a lack of confidence thing in my case.
I have a weird phone thing.

When I worked in a shop I would happily ring people and also answer the phone.

If someone rings up I will happily speak to them.

I will chat to anyone face-too-face, no problems at all.

But ringing people I dont know from home I hate.

I have never worked out why?!?
me227 said:
Anybody else get this?

I'm waiting in the queue to UCAS at the minute and i'm crapping a brick!

Worst of all is that I work in a call centre and it doesn't bother me. Just wheen calling somewhere up to find something out.

EDIT: Argh i'm shaking and the call queue music is mocking me! :(

i have that exact problem. Answering the phone is no problem, but phoning somebody else can be extremely hard sometimes.
scared....of phones.....pffff HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :p

next time some place calls you selling something just say "do you know who your talking to?" they WILL respond with "no" then just shout "well **** off then" god i love doing that! :D
Tesla said:
I have a weird phone thing.

When I worked in a shop I would happily ring people and also answer the phone.

If someone rings up I will happily speak to them.

I will chat to anyone face-too-face, no problems at all.

But ringing people I dont know from home I hate.

I have never worked out why?!?

Probably something to do with you being ****ing weird :p :D
I don't particularly like speaking on phones and will happily let someone else do it where there is that option but I can't say it is a fear by any stretch of the imagination, like Belmit at his helpdesk i found working in a call centre means you soon get over that sort of thing plus for my next job I quite often had to phone some fairly irate solicitors which I always found amusing.
I used to be quite bad but gained a lot of confidence over the last year or so. It was really frustrating sometimes.
I worked in call centres for a few years, that definately sorted my professional side to using phones...however when making a personal call I really hate speaking on them, particualrly bad for distractions with things around me.

In person, no problem, will talk to anyone. Not a fan of phones though.

I like texting, but only if the messages are generally funny and useful, I have learnt conveying emotion across in things like that is generally a silly thing.
I am hopeless on the phone, I hate having to ring call centres, i just start off and them ramble on and get mixed up, no confidence you see.
I hate talking on phones; even when it's people that I'd quite happily talk to for hours on end in person. Even to best mates/girlfriend/family, I avoid it whenever possible. So no, you're not the only one :)
I have no problem with using the phone at work, just as well as I spend a lot of my time on the phone with customers\colleagues.

I don't like using the phone outside of work though, mainly cos I'm sick of it after 8 hours at work.
I hate using phones with people in the room, especially when I know they can listen into my conversations.


It's a pet-hate of mine. For the same reason why I hate people leaning over me when I'm working on the computer or reading a newspaper. I'm like: "listen, just **** off and get your own paper!".

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