The Silvia looked the part, and coild make great espressos, but overall was a pain. Would take 30mins tp heat up, then you had to ve careful tp surf the temperature and even then it all seemed very unpredictable. And grinding the coffee invariably made a huge mess.
The Pixie is dirt cheap. I paid 100CHF and it came with a coupon nfor 150CHF of coffee pods. Been running nearly 4 years and is utterly flawless. Reliable espresso every time.
Therr are a lot of different pods, but i find many of them not so interesting and fairly weak. But if you buy the ristretto 11+ caps you get a real espresso within 1min of switching on from stone cold.
Biggest draw back is the environmental impact, even when you recycle. For that reason i am looking to get a bean to cup machine as a middle ground. I slso drink 4-5 cups a day so would appreciate slightly better strong espressos.