Nest -heat link control wiring to Ideal Logic plus 30 boiler


I have the ideal imini30 and new nest 3rd gen and I'm struggling to get the heating to work

My previous set up was like this


1 & 2 are my existing manual thermostat
3,4,5 are my power supply coming from a socket

I have now removed 1 & 2 (these will go into T1 & T2 if i've understood correctly once i've got the heatlink working)

I've got a 3 core cable -
brown is going into live and will go into 2 on the heat link
blue is neutral and will go into N on the heat link
green/yellow is going to replace the call to heat so will go on the 2nd left on the boiler and go into 3 on the heat link
I've also added a loop to the 1st and 2nd left as that is what someone has above


Here is the wiring for the boiler as explained above

Here is the wiring to the heat link as explained above - with the addition of a loop from 2 to live

When i turn my boiler on, the heat link will pulse a blue light to show that it is ready to link with the thermostat - when I click the button the heating and hot water (not needed) will turn green, but the boiler doesn't fire

Anyone know what I've done wrong / missed, or can you simply not fire the heating before linking the thermostat ?

Did you get a solution to this yet? I have same set up and similar boiler to you. Stuck!
Like I posted earlier in the thread, why aren't you using the open therm bus? Both are compatible, and more efficient than the traditional switching method.
Hi, I tried to wire it on to the open therm from nest ot1 and OT2 but didn't work, wasn't sure if I need the harness or not.
I'm also not sure if my previous wireless receiver is impacting on it, I tried it plugged in and out !!
On my phone at the moment but will take a look at the posts above later and hopefully help you out.

Looking at both the wire link between 2 and 3 would need removing but let me look into them later to make sure.
On my phone at the moment but will take a look at the posts above later and hopefully help you out.

Looking at both the wire link between 2 and 3 would need removing but let me look into them later to make sure.

Apologies, once connected I remove that link (it's in because if the wireless receiver). Think I need to do something with the old wireless receiver bit. Need to link the wires there? This is the back of the old receiver, what wires need connected?
Connected switch wires on back of the old wireless receiver. This is the same as replacing the link! All working now.


Next question...if I wanted to connect by opentherm, I need to order a harness? Then what, and what benefits does it give me?

Ps cheers for all the help, appreciate the quick replies and willingness to help!
A thermostat, no matter how fancy will only turn the boiler/heating on or off, Opentherm tells the boiler how hot cold the house/room is from the room thermostat. The boiler then adjusts its heat output accordingly. According to the installation instructions for your ideal boiler you don't need an extra harness, it's provided.
A thermostat, no matter how fancy will only turn the boiler/heating on or off, Opentherm tells the boiler how hot cold the house/room is from the room thermostat. The boiler then adjusts its heat output accordingly. According to the installation instructions for your ideal boiler you don't need an extra harness, it's provided.

Ok, I have the radiator temp and water temp always set to the same heat on my boiler. Will it make a difference to use the opentherm if I don't ever change the temp? Presume opentherm improves efficiency as only heats up enough rather than "blasting" heat?
Correct, and you'll probably lose the ability of changing the ch temp at the boiler, as opentherm takes care of it. I have nest, but my boiler doesn't support opentherm, it does however have weather compensation, so my heating temp/output is dependent on the temp outside, and what heat curve I have the boiler follow.
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