** Netgear Christmas Specials **

lol ^

question, can you just buy one if these routers a and plug it in instead of my Belkin one I got with talk talk?

would it also make a difference?
lol ^

question, can you just buy one if these routers a and plug it in instead of my Belkin one I got with talk talk?

would it also make a difference?

pretty much yes.

all you do is put your talk talk adsl details in [username and pw] and it will start working.

best thing about netgear solutions is that it would give you a lot more customisation options than a standard ISP provided solution.

it entirely depends on your requirements :)
Netgear are the worst! Never buy it again. Very poor support also.

DG834v2 for BT 8MB had to get it replaced twice and eventually got my third which still works and i sold it on MM like a month ago.It would lose connection randomly once every 3 months for about a 2 hour period also.Very annoying.In saying that thier support line for RMA was french and i could not make out this silly person on the other end of the line and it took him about 45 mins to get my address but could not manage the postcode and so this rude frenchie hung up on me :mad:

Oh and i had to foot the postage both times and pay for the call i got hung up on.I estimate buying netgear cost me £20 in fee's.

After that i said FU netgear.They only offer a 1 year warranty as well so GL using netgear RMA u have been warned!

Draytek all the way :cool: Perhaps OCUK can clarifiy how long the warranty is on these routers?
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Same here, though am wondering if one of these new ones would give me much of an improvement?

Nope i dont think so mate.not noticed any difference in my own connection.Wired that is ofc as i have lower pings with the DGteam firmware somehow!
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Still using a old DG834GT Netgear with DGTeam firmware still rock solid after all this time, Can't fault Netgear.


Do they still exist? I see their site is still up but the forum is closed. I thought they called it quits. I went through a lot of firmware's from them for the DG834N.
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