Networking an old G4?!

16 Dec 2006
Hi! I wonder if there is anyone able to help me here?

Basically, my dad has an old iMac G4 that is connected to an ADSL modem via a USB cable. Im not quite sure what revision it is, but it has a tiny square screen by todays standards. Could it even be 15"?

The problem is that he now has a PC laptop aswell, and as a result wishes to have a wireless network up and running. Finding a wireless router that allows a USB out for an old Mac and supports drivers for such an ancient OS (its running something early like Tiger I think) is proving fruitless.

It would seem a much easier idea to just run a standard network cable across from the router to the Mac. Unfortunately, I dont know whether it even has a network socket/card. I would ask my dad, but he has no technical knowledge and wouldn't be able to differentiate between an RJ45 and a modem socket. Can anyone clarify whether it would have one, please?! And if you have any bright ideas about how to get this setup working, please say!!! :-D Thanks...
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Get a USB wifi dongle that works with the mac and have it act as a repeater for the USB Modem's internet connection. 3 USB ports are availble on the body of the sunflower so you are sorted. No need to change the broadband connection though the iMac must remain on).

However I think all iMacs had ethernet so your suggestion will work too.

It may also already have built in WiFi (it was optional) so you might not need to spring for a USB wifi dongle.
Excellent reply Arta - thanks for your help. The dongle sounds like an interesting option, but if this imac does have ethernet, I should be sorted!
The drivers for all of the Mac-compatible dongles are rubbish. Avoid.

I had the same problem as you recently. Yes, your G4 definitely has an ethernet port. Connect your router up to that and you're away.

If the G4 isn't near your router then I'd suggest a pair of homeplugs. Not the cheapest option but at least they're reliable.
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