New 150GB Hard-Drive Has Only Got 130GB

12 Sep 2006
I just bought a new 150gb raptor hard-drive and installed it all and went to my computer in vista and it is saying that it was only 130gb?

Does anyone know if this is a problem with the hard-drive or with vista?
Neither. It might be useful to read the HDU sticky though...

In essence, Windows sees 1KB as 1024 bytes

HDU manufacturers use 1000 bytes as 1KB and sell their drives as such.
yea I think you are right, it was about 139GB, I just had a quick look and thought that it doesn't seem right, but obviously it is. :)
Ambro said:
I just bought a new 150gb raptor hard-drive and installed it all and went to my computer in vista and it is saying that it was only 130gb?

Does anyone know if this is a problem with the hard-drive or with vista?

Installed one of these last week in my new rig and wow it's LOUD. It replaced a pair of 36gb Raptors in raid 0 which were relatively quiet !!.

How does yours sound ?
Yes it is really loud! I heard that the 74GB were even louder as well so this is meant to be the quiet one. :) I bought a smart drive silencer now though so hopefully when it arrives it won't be so loud.
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