New 250gb drive and fresh install of XP

I split my WD 250 into 10 partitions of aprox 25Gb each. Windows on the first, wallpapers and mp3 on the last, and game depending on type in between. Also have a partitions for games patches/mods, drivers and useful utilities so everything i need is on the hard drive come a fresh reinstall. :)
You can split it any way you like.

I have my Raided 250Gb drives split up like this:
25Gb for Windows and Windows related stuff (can be smaller but I made it bigger so I have enough space when Vista is released)
10Gb for demo's, testing
130Gb for games
300Gb for storage, video, audio etc..
10Gb (5gb on media pc) - Windows
100Gb - Apps (all applications, game installs etc)
20Gb - Backup
10Gb - Temp (has Temp folder and Page file)
Rest - Storage

My setup personally
Why bother splitting the drives? As far as i can tell it doesnt offer any performance benefits? All i have is:

2 150GB raptors raid 0
2 500GB caviars raid 0

300Gb system files and 1Tb storage :)
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