New and improved ***Left4Dead Steam Names Thread***

Added you.

Also updated first post with a bit more info /re the OcUK Left4Dead Steam Group and the group servers/how to use them in your lobbies.
Yeah, that's your steam ID. Your nickname/steam name/whatever is the name that appears at the top of your friends list view in Steam.

edit: I'll get everyone else's names updated shortly...
OcUK = MeddlE
SteamID = MeddlE
Steam Nickname = [OcUK] MeddlE <Ηіςҝى>

And that's Meddle as is the Pink Floyd album, so it's an 'L' not an 'i'.

I'd just about finished updating the latest names when firefox messed up and lost the page.

*insert every swear word known to man here*

Right, starting again...
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