New Arma Invade and Annex Server

31 Jan 2011
Hope im not breaking rules here, However i have recently started up a new invade arma 3 server. Looking for players to try and load it up a little, Also any suggestions on allowed mods etc would be awesome. i have modified it a fai bit but feedback on FPS and Ping would be amazing if any one fancies giving it a go. I will be on this eve if any one fancies a chat in the TS server too

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Cheers guys not after any donations funding all done by me :cool:

thanks will drop a message just want to "stress" it out a bit. only had 12 online at once so far,
Cheers guys :) i was not playing as much as i would have likes as i was messing with the server but i think it performed well ? Was a good turn out. However hardly any one on teamspeak ? Does no one use teamspeak these days ? Hopefully catch some of u on there again soon, any mods etc or ideas im always open but they have to be ones that download in the mission download as cant have people not getting in.
I do use TS sometimes, but I hate people so I tend to just lonewolf around to be honest. Did have some fun on your server though and will be on tomorrow night for a bit. When I say I hate people it is not the shy hate, it is the hate where I call people names and get banned so I keep myself to myself lol. The keys Melbo gave you are probs the only addons you need as they allow you to join if you have them or not.

In fact the only person I can tolerate on TS is derv, he is/was a CPC guy. Melbo and marker are in my non hate list as well.

Lol love this ! Glad you enjoyed it ! There are several rooms on TS i can add a "i hate everyone" channel just for you where anything goes lol !
Might be worth looking at seeing if ALiVE have a version that works with A&A or Patrol Ops?

Caches the AI when they are not in range of any players so really helps with the server fps.

Mod wise, anything from LAxemann is pretty amazing. VTS could be a good shout also.

Also these are always good to have:

The carry option for wounded players should probably be taken out. It's buggy as....Arma.

I've got a half decent PvP mission you can use if you get the numbers for it. Small infantry sector control is the name of the game.

Cheers chap, always happy to add any bikeys in to allow people to enhance their game as long as it does not give them a big advantage. Not sure if this server will ever go pvp but i could open a second one for this if the server starts filling up.

Slowly building up some regular players as i need some additional admins as im obviously not alway on myself. But im hoping to get the server to a stage where its becoming full and needing more slots adding
Lack of decent comms killed it for me tonight :(

Hi guys i agree, the lack of comms is killing it for me too ! Unfortunately i was not really playing tonight as i had stacks of work to do :( however this afternoon i will be sorting a number of requested bit out so if any one fancies helping and suggesting then jump on the ts later and any inout will be helped.

With reference to PvP this server probably wont be PvP u less the numbers are there as it was intended as a invade server. I personally quite like the team effort that invade provides but u could setup another server for or change it if the numbers dictate.

If any one wants mods please send me bikeys and i will add them. As long as they dont fivr you an imfair advantage :)
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Since the native A3 launcher was released there's been rumors (can't remember if it was officially confirmed or not) about it one day automatically downloading mods on joining a server. That to me is the only way low pop niche public servers (and I can't believe I'm going to describe niche like this but by niche I mean anything other than Altis life or Breaking point) will be able to successfully run dependable mods such as weapon/vehicle/map packs without killing off player numbers. Even then some consideration for file size will be needed as not everyone has blazing fast internet connections/patience to wait for something like AiA/RHS to download when they just want to play.

even so it gives people a choice that dont know how to download stuff. i think most people would wait 10 mins to join if its decent people etc. this would be awesome if it happened
Cheers guys it's going well, I have upped the amount of slots as I had 30 and it maxed out, so now 40 slots. Had 33 on tonight at one point. I have tons and tons of suggestions and advice that is all very welcome and thank you to every ones input. The first thing I'm going to sort tomorrow is the radio system so that comms improves. Then maybe try a couple of different game modes on a couple of different eves :)

Most feedback is good so far and no one seems to be getting any lag or frame rate issues.
Any word on TFR yet? :D

Hi Guys, My god i was not expecting it to get so popular so fast. Yes the hackers are idiots, But what can you do. TFR will be Live this week its in the Pile of to do. Getting a regular lot now and its quite often full with good people however the Ban list is growing. Surprised how many people actually dont have enough friends they just have to annoy ever one else.

Tonight was a good giggle and Hoping to Sort out a few bits tomorrow as i have a few hours on my hands tomoz.

Now on the hunt for some admins that can be trusted.
Cheers for all the comments guys :) there is not too much stress on the Dedi box at all really, It does get used for other things but the arma server seems to chew about 20% resources available.

Melbo I will have a chat on TS later mate :)

OK i will try find there ID's and Ban them I need there Steam UID to ban them, or at least that is how i currently ban them. Will look and see what can be done. Its easy to ban them when im on at the time but never done it after an event.
Just use rcon, you can then ban the guids by searching for the player name, it should keep track of all players that have joined so you can ban them after the event. It should also allow IP bans. Just keep rcon running on the dedi box 24/7, you could even run it on your home PC if you wanted as well.

This is working, However it does not give me the Steam ID only the GUID and i ban from Steam ID
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