New Babylon 5 movie

Nope, somebody else is credited for the voice (same guy who voiced the random Mimbari at the start) who appears to know nothing about Marcus Cole except that he's English, doesn't look like they took any audio from the episodes in fact, Even the "Get the hell out of our galaxy" isn't the one from the series, they got Boxleitner to rerecord it, it's not a bad attempt, but if you're going to rerecord a line that's burnt into every B5 fans mind thanks to it being in the Season 5 intro not bad isn't close enough, it still stands out.
Might watch this one in a bit then when I've got nothing to do rather than rush to watch it :(
Nope, somebody else is credited for the voice (same guy who voiced the random Mimbari at the start) who appears to know nothing about Marcus Cole except that he's English, doesn't look like they took any audio from the episodes in fact, Even the "Get the hell out of our galaxy" isn't the one from the series, they got Boxleitner to rerecord it, it's not a bad attempt, but if you're going to rerecord a line that's burnt into every B5 fans mind thanks to it being in the Season 5 intro not bad isn't close enough, it still stands out.
They'll have rerecorded that because it's extremely unlikely they've still got the isolated audio of just him saying it (no music, no effects, no other voices), as that sort of material isn't kept* :(

It's also likely that it would be impossible for him to get it exactly the same after 25-30 years, not just because he's changed physically, but because the recording setups have changed massively. About 10-15 years ago one of the old mainstays of Anime had a rerelease with some additional scenes/remastered footage that required stuff to be redubbed, and despite it being done in the same physical studios by the same actors (who in some cases had kept doing those voice at conventions etc constantly) after just ~10 years you could tell some of the new stuff even if it was the same lines, the quality of both the microphones and the recording systems had changed enough that it was impossible to get that perfect match**.
And if they had reused those lines from the original series you'd probably have noticed that there was a difference in quality in how it sounded between the new stuff and the older stuff that would likely have been recorded using a completely different set of microphones and fed though different storage formats at different rates to what is no the norm.

*At most they might keep the isolated combined final voice tracks to allow for stereo/surround mixing but for a TV show it's likely even that wasn't necessarily great. You tend to try and keep the music and effects tracks as separate as you need them to dub into another language for localising, but the voice track tends to be just the final versions/no "just character X" tracks.

**In that time IIRC the microphones had changed, the entire mixing deck had been upgraded (fully digital at a higher bit rate with better responses), the storage medium had changed to a new format that was higher bit rate and fully digital as set by the mixer etc. I remember reading a bit about it at the time as it was quite interesting (a bit like how another studio kept a metal bowl that had been used in a dub because it had produced a sound that they felt was perfect for a character and they'd spent ages trying to do it in the mixer/editing software and with different things and they didn't want to have to try and find the same make/model again).
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And I wouldn't expect them to for such an old series (hell if they had any of that saved there'd be more important work to do than rip a bit of episode audio for a cartoon, like a proper remaster that did away with the false letterbox in any scene with a mix of actors and CGI). Just using that moment as the it became apparent that was the case.
Sheridan a bit too jokey 24/7
Franklin was awful looking
G'Kar If i didnt know who he was Id be guessing at some skinny Narn....
Garibaldi Passable but felt off
Marcus another awful one
Talia or was it Lyta ? also awful and seemed ridiculously out of character.
Lennier "ok"
Londo Ok
Lochley Meh
Ivanova Fine
Delenn Ok Very hard act to follow.
Sinclair OK
Zathraaaaaaaaaaassss Made me laugh was good enough.

What they did to the shadows.... Bizarre choice. Zero mystery 100% Zerglings.
Vorlons ok enough.

tbh with hindsight it wasn't that good was it :P
I almost want to watch it again.
You know Lyta (don't know how you can't tell the difference between her and Talia), Lennier, Londo, Lochley and Ivanova were the original actors right?
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You know Lyta (don't know how you can't tell the difference between her and Talia), Lennier, Londo, Lochley and Ivanova were the original actors right?
yes, their look is what bugged me more.
need to watch it again to pinpoint it.

Sinclair must have been original too? >>>> holy crap it wasnt and he did Zathras too . thats cool.
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I use to watch this religiously back in the day. What a blast from the past, had no idea they were making a movie of it.

I’m not sure if I’ve dreamt this but i seem to recall watching some show that was talking about the tech involved in making the CGI for it. IIRC they had a bunch of Amiga 3000s daisy chained together to do this? Such a long time ago but I remember being fascinated by it.
Video toasters.
You know Lyta (don't know how you can't tell the difference between her and Talia), Lennier, Londo, Lochley and Ivanova were the original actors right?
Only thing with Lyta...isnt that point in her time when shes basically a walking nuclear bomb?....why was she using guns lol.
Absolutely loved B5 - makes a great show to marathon binge watch too ;) I'll def watch this movie and get the new HD remasters
Only thing with Lyta...isnt that point in her time when shes basically a walking nuclear bomb?....why was she using guns lol.

We don't know for sure since they used the "alternate timelines and alternate dimensions" thing, but assuming it was (roughly speaking) the flash forward from Babylon squared which everything besides Garibaldi not being in the riot gear points to, it would have been at the height at the shadow war, so before she was insanely powerful but still you know literally one of the Vorlon's walking anti shadow weapons using a PPG instead.

Edit - wording since "mentally powerful" is bad phrasing regarding a telepath.
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We don't know for sure since they used the "alternate timelines and alternate dimensions" thing, but assuming it was (roughly speaking) the flash forward from Babylon squared which everything besides Garibaldi not being in the riot gear points to, it would have been at the height at the shadow war, so before we was mentally powerful but still you know literally one of the Vorlon's walking anti shadow weapons using a PPG instead.
Ahh yea....that makes sense..just any time I see her only with G'Kar...I always rememeber she left with him to sort herself out, and they alwayds seemed together in this. SUppose its possible that time line she was never changed as well.
What they did to the shadows.... Bizarre choice. Zero mystery 100% Zerglings.
That really spoiled it for me. Just a mass of another rushing at the good guys. For a species that's "a million years ahead of us" their tactics were laughable. They just became Generic Insectoid Enemy #27472.
It took away all their menace and power, IMO.
Oof, that was a bit rough in parts, they utterly ruined the shadows and turned them into zerg nonsense sadly. Don't even get me started on z'ha'boom!
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