New build for gaming 1600£

But the ASUS board you suggested supports SLI also, doesnt mean you have to actually use it.

• It has better sound
• 4yr warranty VS 3yrs
• More m.2 and SATA and stuff
• It even appears to have higher speed DDR4 support.
I recently bought a full set up through OCUK and assembled it myself with no previous experience.
It's actually pretty straight forward if you have a basic understanding and if you're confused there's the manuals or the Internet for endless advice.
I used the same case also.
Be sure to disconnect the case fans from the molex adapter and connect them to the mobo so they don't just run at 100%.
The trickiest part imo was running all the cables from the PSU to the components and keeping it neat but that case makes it pretty easy to hide everything.
Fitting the components themselves is easy.

Make sure you have network drivers for the mobo/network card on a usb stick ready to go.
There is nothing wrong with the Crucial SSD, it will be a great performer, its just that the Samsung is that <----> bit better.
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