Hi there, I've recently built a new pc.
Only problem is getting the gtx 460 to work...
I've got a Gigabyte 880GM-UD2H mobo. Upon installing the card, in the BIOS in the 'advanced BIOS features' I have changed the setting 'Init display first' from OnChipVGA to PEG, yet its still not working.
Anyone got the same setup, if so what did you do to get it working?? Thanks
Only problem is getting the gtx 460 to work...
I've got a Gigabyte 880GM-UD2H mobo. Upon installing the card, in the BIOS in the 'advanced BIOS features' I have changed the setting 'Init display first' from OnChipVGA to PEG, yet its still not working.
Anyone got the same setup, if so what did you do to get it working?? Thanks