New build terrible 3dMark performance

5 May 2006
I have finished building my new rig

AMD 3700+ San Diego
Asru Dual SataII - (1.70 bios)
1 gig ram
7800 GS 0C (AGP)

I got a score of 1783 in 3dMark05, seriously not what I expected, any ideas what could be the problems? temps seem fine

CPU - 30
MB - 28
GPU - 48

Is there anything else I can run to see whats wrong?

does that look ok?
I think its definatly something to do with the ASrock above have you installed all the correct chipset drivers?
Thanks guys, I had not installed the AGP driver, total moron that I am, seems much better now but will have to do the drivers again as I had already installed them :) will do another test with 3dmark and report back
Mr Men said:
I now get

5837 in 3dMark05

Is this what I should expect?

I would have expected a bit more maybe... Check if memory divider and timings are correct in the bios. It usually sets the ram at 166mhz divider standard, should be 200mhz without overclocking.
Cheers guys will have a look at the memory timing but its all new to me, are these temps fine?

CPU 32
Mobo 30
HDD 31

at idle
Hi guys, thought I would ask in here about a new problem now :( Basically everything was running sweet, I re-installed everything I needed, then went to play a game and I had no 3d, can hear the game running but just have a blank screen, 3dmark wont run either, tried reinstalling the agp driver and the graphics driver but no joy, did not have time to test the crad on another pc, so is there anything it could be other than a broken card?

2d runs fine, no artifacts or problems.
My sig containes my current 3dmark benches with this board to compare.
There is an issue with 2d tests in pcmark which i cant work out though which i started another thread for (lags badly behind my axp system) , but 3d speeds seem fine.
Ok the card works fine, so it must be an issue with the other rig :( Anyway any idea why it would not output 3d graphics?
Mr Men said:
Ok the card works fine, so it must be an issue with the other rig :( Anyway any idea why it would not output 3d graphics?

It sounds like a driver problem. Try uninstalling drivers. then run driver cleaner pro from safe mode and then re install the drivers.

Also, check dxdiag and run the direct 3d tests in there and make sure everything is enabled.
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