New Build

NiteMare said:
Just finished putting the mouting screws into the case an about to unpack the CPU.

I havent got a digi cam at the moment so cant post any picks, I will try and borrow one from work tommorrow!

Wow all that packaging and the CPU is tiny, I cant beleive how small it is and how big the stock cooler is! seems a shame to waste it but time to unpack the Freezer 7 Pro :D
OK dont need past as Freezer 7 pro has a pre applied patch.

About to try and put the mobo into the case, whats supposed to happen with the sharp metal pieces on the bscking plate? (I have replaced the plate that was in the case with the one that came with the mobo)
Also which way should the Freerze 7 pro be mounted? as instrued I put it on with the fan facing the rear of the case put in this position the fan cable wond reach the socket on the mobo!
Doh, should have looked at the picture I had the fan nearest the back, forgot that its supposed to blow are across the heat plates towards tha back :o
Thanks, figured that one out and also have just put it into the correct postion and remembered to take the plastic cover off this time!! :o

Struggling to get the mobo to line up with the backing plate now, are you suppossed to bend the sharp bits on each of the sockets back first or something? or should I fit the bascking plate to the mobo befor putting it into the case? :confused:
semi-pro waster said:
Just in case you haven't sorted this out yourself, just use the thermal pad that is pre-applied, it is more than good enough for most uses. :)
Yeah just found this on a review -

The base of the Freezer 7 Pro is rather small, barely large enough to cover the CPU itself. The Freezer 7 Pro comes with Arctic MX-1 thermal compound pre- applied on its base. The MX-1 is a good thermal material, which hardens slowly through the first 200 hours of use. Performance will also be improved after the MX-1 stabilizes completely.
Still struggling to get the back panel to line up! are the bits of metal on the backing plate supposed to bend back into the usb sockets etc? :confused:
NiteMare said:
Still struggling to get the back panel to line up! are the bits of metal on the backing plate supposed to bend back into the usb sockets etc? :confused:

As you look at the backing plate you will see tabs moving from the edges into where the socket would go, these need to be bent back so they are inside the case the same for the usb one as well.

NiteMare said:
Bent 90 degrees? if I do that they will go into the usb ports is that correct!?

No they shouldnt go into the USB port but over hte top of them. I take it you are using the backing plate that came with your motherboard rather than your case?

yes I am using the plate that came with the Asus motherboard.

There are even two bits between the six speaker/mic sockets i.e.


but i cant see what bending these back will do apart from cause more issues?
Gonna have to call it quits for tonight and pick things up again tommorrow but if anyone can post me some links or picks of what i'm supposed to be doing with this back plate it would be a great help, thanks
Help with PCIe port

OK managed to get the mobo installed last night, took some effort to get the ports lined up with the back panel! :mad:

Just about to install the graphics card but I am a bit unsure about the plastic tab at the end of the PCIe socket, whats supposed to happen with this?

A gentle tug suggests its not going to bend in any direction and it looks a bit flimsy to apply any force to it so how does this work?
I have fited the card without the end hook on the card going into the clip and that was easy, cant see how that clip was ever going to attach seems to be offset so maybe its for something else?! :confused:
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