New camera time - £200 to spend. Help wanted!

29 Dec 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi :)

I currently have a Konica Minolta compact jobbie and the picture quality is nothing to write home about, I am after a decent camera for a max of £200 - I have been looking at the PowerShot A700 and it looks to fit the bill, but I would like some other opinions please :) I already have a 1GB SD card and 4x 2300mAh rechargeables so if my new camera can make use of these that is always a plus!

Edit: How about a Fuji FinePix S5600 or F30?


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What do you like to take pics of and how 'compact' do you want it to be.

I have a Fuji F30 that i carry everywhere with me and gives awesome results.

The battery is good for over 500 shots and i am yet to run it flat,and the XD memory card issue isnotreally an issue and they are very cheap for the 1gb cards now.

Have a look at my Flickr account (In sig) for some F30 'snaps'


I am not too fussed on how compact it is, so long as it gives good results :) The one main gripe I had with all of my previous camera's is that in low light conditions they are totally shocking, very blurry. I think a decent optical zoom and image stabilizer are my main requirements along with the low light issue. The main cameras I am looking at now are;


... or save up an extra £70 and get an S3 IS.

I will take a look at your Flickr account now, cheers :)


Edit: Your F30 pictures are really good, could be tempting me towards the F30!
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Cr4iG said:

I am not too fussed on how compact it is, so long as it gives good results :) The one main gripe I had with all of my previous camera's is that in low light conditions they are totally shocking, very blurry. I think a decent optical zoom and image stabilizer are my main requirements along with the low light issue. The main cameras I am looking at now are;


... or save up an extra £70 and get an S3 IS.

I will take a look at your Flickr account now, cheers :)


Edit: Your F30 pictures are really good, could be tempting me towards the F30!

For good examples on the S3-IS have a look at the chester Zoo Pics on my flickr.

Link to Chester Zoo Set On Flickr

An Image Stabiliser is only of use in low light if the subjects are stationary. For moving subjects high ISO is better (As the F30 shows)

Those chester zoo pics are even better :eek:

What is the S3 like in the dark?


Not as good as the F30 is the short answer

any higher than iso 200 (or 400 if you are lucky) and noise rears its ugly head.


the lens is faster thank the F30 which helps, a little.

if you dont need the reach of the s3 i would go for the f30.

Ah, ok cheers :)

Out of all of the camera's I have been looking at which would be the best all rounder? I do feel that 4x optical zoom might not be enough mind you, but then again if I want to take pictures at gigs (which I will be doing!) the S3 might not be up to the job in the dark, but its zoom would be great.

Gah :(

Cr4iG said:
Ah, ok cheers :)

Out of all of the camera's I have been looking at which would be the best all rounder? I do feel that 4x optical zoom might not be enough mind you, but then again if I want to take pictures at gigs (which I will be doing!) the S3 might not be up to the job in the dark, but its zoom would be great.

Gah :(


for gigs, io would say the F30 as its more unobtrusive and the iso 1600 is very usable.

but as you say the 12x zoom is nice.

tough choice :)

Well I went for the S5600 after reading loads of reviews, it seems to have the best of both worlds :)

I am quite chuffed, got all of this for £220inc delivery:
Fuji FinePix S5600
7 in 1 Card Reader
1GB Fuji xD Card
4x 2500 mAh rechargables with charger (can never have too many batteries!)
Hama Carry Case

Should be here before friday!

One quick question - I have been reading in reviews that you should use a UV filter + hood when shooting outdoors, there are a few kits on the 'bay which include;

Fuji 55-52mm Adapter
UV Filter

Are these kits any good? They seem *very* cheap at £15. If they are not worth the cash, could someone point me in the right direction please?


Well it arrived today :) Quite impressed that it managed to get from France to Newcastle in less than 48 hours!

I will take some proper pictures tonight with manual settings and post them up. For now I have a quick question... is there any worthwile difference using 5MP Fine over 5MP Normal?


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