Hey guys.
Im after some advice.
Im in the market for a new car ( well new to me ).
Moneys been tight the last few years what with having 2 kids and the way the world has blown up in price of late, anyhow ive managed to cobble together a few quid and im looking to ditch the old Pug 308.
Ive found a lovely Audi A5 2.0 tdi s-line ( dont flame me ) in a dark metallic blue, leather interior and it looks smart.
Im just after peoples experiences with that particular motor, decent car?
Its 8 year old,60000 on the clock.
Im after some advice.
Im in the market for a new car ( well new to me ).
Moneys been tight the last few years what with having 2 kids and the way the world has blown up in price of late, anyhow ive managed to cobble together a few quid and im looking to ditch the old Pug 308.
Ive found a lovely Audi A5 2.0 tdi s-line ( dont flame me ) in a dark metallic blue, leather interior and it looks smart.
Im just after peoples experiences with that particular motor, decent car?
Its 8 year old,60000 on the clock.