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New Card required

4 Sep 2005
I bought a 7600gt as a stopgap until the x1950 came out but not so convinced by it now as particularly good VfM.

What do you reckon?

2 * 1900XT 256 in cross fire

a x1950 xt-x or

a 7950 GX2

Whatever will be going in a P5W DH driving a NEC 20 WS.

Grateful for answers by 3pm as I want whatever I buy delivered tomorrow while I am home.
8 Jul 2003
In a house
Id stay away from the x1950, its only 1-2fps at best faster than the x1900 XTX which costs a lot less, i would have said get the GX2, but seen as you have mentioned x1900 Crossfire then id go with that, as they would be the faster out of that lot easily, and the x1900's are an absolute bargain, just a pity you have to get the specific master at over £250 to go with a less than £200 normal x1900 for a slave card, but if your not bothered about that then as i said id go for it. :)
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17 Aug 2005
The X1950XTX is not much faster than a single X1900XTX (which sell for quite a bit less), so unless you are getting it for long term crossfire (the X1950XTX cards will be arround for longer) then i wouldnt recommend buying them for single card use.

X1900XT 256MB - awesome value for money (as a single card). But since X1900XT Mastercard are all 512MB i would recommend getting the X1900XT 512MB cards if going crossfire.

At lower resolutions a single X1900XT 256MB is great.

At higher res the 7950GX2 is a great card, if you have a single PCIE slot, or if you have a crossfire motherboard then i would go for the higher performance of Crossfire X1900XT 512MB cards (make sure one is a normal 512MB card & the other is a Mastercard). If only intending to purchase one X1900XT card now i would recommend the Mastercard as later on it should be easier to get a standard X1900XT card.
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6 Feb 2004
Maybe the x1950xt jobbie will be better when proper drivers come out to support it, as its been stated the drivers on the disk are modified ones.
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