I thought i'd add take the time to write down my intial impression,as you'll notice the lian li is quiet abit taller than the akasa so those of you that like putting thier pc under the desk my stuggle to fit it,
it's also narrower than the akasa but unless you have extremely tall cpu hsf it shouldn't be a problem,the side panel are somewhat flimsy not as thick as i would have like them,about same thickness as the akasa,
The front door is solid well constructed,and when you close clicks nicely into place,one minor gripe is that it does open fully like the antec p190's
the top panel is removable and is thin as the side panels
Another cool thing i've noticed is the leds for power and hd on the front door are nice and small both light up blue but when its reading the hd it turn red
Unfortunely the motherboard isn't removable at all,which is baffling as the b71 have it and why they didn't add it to this is just wierd,another cost cutting measure i suppose,noticed the rear fans are both hard mounted no soft mounting at all,it just aswell am ditching them.
So far the most annoying part pc is the pcie tool holder,what seem very straight forward time saving device turn out to be total waste of space
basically the tab don't lock into the upright position leaving me to struggle to hold them up with one hand and install the gpu with the other,removing gpu is even worse.perhaps it just that maybe i got bad one but any how i've tried lian li site and asked for new one also posted in thier forum but i doubt i'll get one seem rather shame for case to be let down for something minor as this.
some more pics