New cl26 DDR5 RAM for Ryzen coming in January.

Not that much looser and currently tightening just didn't want to end up with a windows corruption

Currently 28-36-36-42-78 with rEFI at 48k @ 1.38v which isn't bad
Think we are all just checking, GSkill is pretty hard to get in general; even the CL28 is not that common.
GSkill used to be everywhere and then suddenly the most common brands were TeamGroup and Lexar and so on.

Even Corsair isn't as dominant as a brand as it used to be - it used to be that if you wanted the best RAM, you just got a kit (or 2) of Dominator Platinum modules at huge expense and they would overclock the best but were the most expensive.

The brand of RAM doesn't matter that much any more.

Now, all the modules are largely the same once you take the heatsink off and look at the modules underneath, they all fall into a handful of configs (Micron, Samsung, Hynix, Nanya, etc) on often a generic PCB.

I'd be surprised if the CL28 or CL26 kits were that much different from the CL30 kits underneath with all made in the same factory and the lower latency versions just a new low output manufacturing line of the same factory.
Have just ordered mine 64GB its quite a premium above even CL28 kits
How much was it

I am looking for 64GB for my virtual machines, 3d rendering and video editing software that I have never ever used and have no interest in using. I just look for any excuse to 'get stuff' :P
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Buildzoid was taking about tPHYRDL and he said he checked it was the same. I checked mine with EXPO enabled only and one was 36 and the other 34:
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