New COD 4 League enter your clan to have fun and win some prizes

Thanks , well thats mostly cleared that up.

although ive just noticed on your site something which i may have missed in your initial rules set post,

all league matches will be Search and Destroy but we may have some little fun competitions that will be different gametypes later on

TBH thats the only real issue ive got now and i know our clan wont be happy about,

do you not think it may be an idea to make that quit clear somewhere on the site.

Or run all or most game types from the off ?
Let me get this right...

You (admins) choose "custom" maps for teams to play?

You're going to prevent players from allowing them to have their FPS configs because "YOU" think it's unfair?

What Anti-Cheat program are you implementing?

Also, Promod is better than PAM...

I await your answers...
You (admins) choose "custom" maps for teams to play? - Yes all maps are fully tested by myself

You're going to prevent players from allowing them to have their FPS configs because "YOU" think it's unfair? - We remove the ability to turn off items such as Grass/Sun/Random floating things because the game comes with them If you need to turn them off clearly your pc does not meet the minimum specifications for the game. If you turn them off because it helps you see people better than that proves my point.

What Anti-Cheat program are you implementing? - We have a custom Punkbuster script that streams to PBBans, HackHunters and

Also, Promod is better than PAM - Promod removes all perks except 1 makes the guns look smaller, If the developers didn't want perks in the game they wouldn't have put them in the game, We remove only the perks that keep the game relativly balanced, fan and fair for all.

Once again if your not interested in the League please do not post.
Some of you must live sad little lives if you've nothing better to do than pick faults with something someone is trying to put together.

No-one is holding a gun to your heads and forcing you to sign up so if you don't like it then move along.

I'm not going to sign up as I'm happy in the league my clan is already in but credit to those that are trying to create a new league regardless of whether you agree with certain points or not.
I totally agree with what your trying to do and yes Promod sucks ass
just wish someone could get a league up for the standard game as the developers intended it to be played.
all perks all game types , especially HQ :D
as i said other gametypes will most likely be added in the future but you really want to be blown up by someone who is dead or shot by someone who happens to have a pistol right before dieing?
You (admins) choose "custom" maps for teams to play? - Yes all maps are fully tested by myself

You're going to prevent players from allowing them to have their FPS configs because "YOU" think it's unfair? - We remove the ability to turn off items such as Grass/Sun/Random floating things because the game comes with them If you need to turn them off clearly your pc does not meet the minimum specifications for the game. If you turn them off because it helps you see people better than that proves my point.

What Anti-Cheat program are you implementing? - We have a custom Punkbuster script that streams to PBBans, HackHunters and

Also, Promod is better than PAM - Promod removes all perks except 1 makes the guns look smaller, If the developers didn't want perks in the game they wouldn't have put them in the game, We remove only the perks that keep the game relativly balanced, fan and fair for all.

Once again if your not interested in the League please do not post.

Well, I guess you've got the understanding of competitive gameplay to a 'T'... :rolleyes:

I'm going to say good luck with your idea, but you could do with changing a few things that would attract players.

Agree to disagree, aye?
you really want to be blown up by someone who is dead or shot by someone who happens to have a pistol right before dieing?

Well yes i do TBH,
rather that than some camper sat at the other end of the map with a noobtube

If the developers didn't want perks in the game they wouldn't have put them in the game,

Well said,
yet another reason not to remove perks If its part of the game then its legitimate method of killing !

in reality a live granade is gonna blow up regardless of whether the person holding it is still alive or not.
Same goes for last stand tbh unless your opponent gets a headshot on you then in most cases you would be capable of pulling a pistol and firing a cap in his ass.

Having said that we do discourage the use of martyrdom on our server but i wouldn't kick anyone for using it and almost all of my classes have LS
i find it quit amusing taking out 3-4 people in the last few seconds of my life :D

Unfortunately im not allowed to use it in TWL which i also think is a bit ghey
but hasn't stopped us reaching rank 4 without a single loss so far
Noobtubes are turned off as well, says that in the config files i posted.
Grenade that has had its pin pulled out then the guy gets shot before he can throw it - fine not a problem

Guy gets shot falls the the ground dead then pulls out the grenades pin - No thanks
Same for LS - The only reason you fall to the ground (dont make some smartarse comment about prone :P) in CoD4 is when your dead therefore you cant fall to the ground not die and then pull out a pistol is a bit "Ghey" as you call it.
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