New Computer

if you click start (windows button) > right click computer > hit manage > on left hand side open up sotrage and then click disk management.

On thise screen you should see

Disk 0


Disk 0 im assuming will be your SSD

Disk 1 will be the 1 TB hdd

can you see it here?

can you not see it as a second drive if you simply go to start button then left click computer?

again should see two drives > main OS drive (C:\) and then a secondry drive most likely D: or E:
Do the following

open up a command prompt ( hit windows button and in search bar type cmd and hit enter)

when command prompt opens type

Diskpart hit enter

dispart will load (will look like another command prompt window)

now type and hit enter after each one

select disk 0



now can you see it?
ok go back to diskpart

now type and ht enter after each one (ensure that the OS is defiantly installed on the SSD before doing below)

select disk 0


create par pri

format fs=ntfs quick



now you should see it for sure!

after each command you should eceive a message saying the task has completed
yeah as its unallocated you need to format it. missed that before when looking ^^ so once formatted and assigned a driver letter it will work

above commands will do that for you

alterntively you can go to the disk management right click the black unallocated space on disk 0 and select format

As this is my first time with an SSD, is there anything i should know? do's and dont's?:p
only plan to have windows and world of warcraft on it.
Just take time to manage it properly to ensure it dosent get cluttered. Also i belive defragging a SSD is not needed so dont bother running one :D
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