New cooler on the block!

Ah ok, I think they test it without any case as I can see Ace in the photo (no case there) could be testing on the bench! Remember if it was inside case it would add another 4-6C in temp !
Ace Modder. I was trying to make a rough comparison between this and my NH-D14. My i7 950 is running at 4.2GHz and using the same voltage as that 920 but my idle temperatures are about 10C higher (although my CPU has speed step disabled so its always at a constant 4.2GHz) and my load temperatures go to upper 70s/low 80s. If those results weren't done in a case then it might explain why the difference is so much.

Open air.
Out of interest, how good are the Prolimatech Blue 140mm Fans? I am thinking about getting this heatsink (waiting for more tests/reviews first) and placing 3 Blue 140mms on it. They state they shift 87CFM (Max) at 18db, but my current apaches shift 57CFM at 16db. Any thoughts on this? (BTW I dont really know that much about fans for heatsinks).
Unless your going to record the T delta its hard to say how impressive these new coolers are (although at £65 with no fans it better be nothing less then great) and just comparing absolute values is meaningless.
Quirky design - does it still prevent you from using tall RAMsinks?

Also isn't it just going to blow hot/warm air down, over your other parts? Seems unusual :|
Quirky design - does it still prevent you from using tall RAMsinks?

Also isn't it just going to blow hot/warm air down, over your other parts? Seems unusual :|

The air blown over your motherboard and RAM will still help cool over no flowing air, even will a little ambient heat from the fins.
Yeah, Tom over at didn't think too much to it, seemed to get a lot higher temps than you did Ace, however his was also in a full case, not on a test bench.
Yeah, Tom over at didn't think too much to it, seemed to get a lot higher temps than you did Ace, however his was also in a full case, not on a test bench.

It about right temperature betwen mid 85-90C inside case with that cooler. Nochua NHD14 is probably win hand down :)
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