Yeah, read it after I posted. Not the best results sadly. Pretty safe to say I won't be buying one, but certainly an interesting direction for SSD/PCI-E storage. Might be in the market for v2 or v3 of this tech if it consistently outshines SATA based storage by then.

If Samsung made one I'd be interested! The price is just too far over what a premium SSD/Premium SSD raid combo sits at.
Yeah OCZ did a 'professional' one (Revodrive), Intel have made PCIe SSD's in the Enterprise space for a while too!

PCIe SSD is the way forwards, these are just the 'first' so they're sold at a premium - same with any 'new' tech!

PCIe immediately takes SSD speeds away from the bottleneck of SATA, loads more info here.

Asus do a ROG version, hello 800+MB/s R/W!

Samsung already have the technology in their Ultrabooks.

OCZ Revo drive 3 X2, check out the IOPS and speed the future will bring! ;)

•Up to 1500MB/s Sequential Read
•Up to 1300MB/s Sequential Write
•Up to 230,000 IOPS 4k Random Write
Am I missing something here?

They are expansion cards which means they will slow the boot process just like a RAID/SCSI controller would and they have awesome MB/s (great for copying large files between them) but the IOPS (the figure that dictates real world performance) are lower than some SATA 3 drives :confused:
Am I missing something here?

They are expansion cards which means they will slow the boot process just like a RAID/SCSI controller would and they have awesome MB/s (great for copying large files between them) but the IOPS (the figure that dictates real world performance) are lower than some SATA 3 drives :confused:

'slow the boot process'? You mean like SATA drive detection already does? Imagine being able to do away with SATA/IDE controllers completely! ;)

IOPS might not be great, but it's a maturing 'enthusiast' technology, once the big OEM's start producing and concentrating on them we'll see it mature (like SSD's have) with increases in performance, decreases in price and new developments.
This 128 MB model is some kind of mistake.
There are many SATA SSDs with similar specs, but worth 1/3 of its price. Maximum sequential read-write speed is not most important thing in SSD, but IOPS. I presume people look at it because of... old description format on retail webpages - when HDDs was popular, everyone was exciting about higher speed only, so every new HDD model was "120 MB/s !", and next one was "140 MB/s, a rocket !". So it's how descriptions on webpages has been used: main parameter was: "read and write transfer". And now, nobody changed it for SSD use, too much work, LOL :/
SATA in their next revision need to more than just double up speed. it needs to quadruple at least to give the connection some lifespan. When sata3 hit, it was IMMEDIATELY saturated by new SSDs.

So short sighted and clearly a ploy to drag it out over time! grrr.
These look great, but reserved for bleeding edge enthusiasts it seems.

Once you move from HDD to SSD, the speed increase is so immense, that any differences between different SSDs seems trivial.

I'd just go with the cheapest per GB SSD which seems to be the samsungs.
Are these bootable? Looks like the 256 is a tasty candidate for an OS drive if so.

I think they're bootable, not sure if it's been mentioned... :rolleyes:

Once you move from HDD to SSD, the speed increase is so immense, that any differences between different SSDs seems trivial.

Trivial maybe, but it depends on your application... For me (gaming and VM's) a well balanced Fast Read & Write drive gives me more gain than a pure High Read & average Write drive...
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