New crysis game?

Damned you Calin. Let a man dream! :p:D

You obviously make good points. By the way, I get the feeling the new consoles will be able to run SQ42. That game has taken so long to develop that by the time it is out it won’t be graphically that special. But I admit from the last time I remember looking they have developed some very nice tech :)

It does and I bet you it will get ported to next gen consoles at some point. If it ever does get released that is :p

It just does not seem as ahead of its time like it used to when things were being shown all those years ago is what I am saying really. Back then it was said consoles could never run it, which was true at the time. But I bet the new consoles will be able to due to having an nvme drive, much better cpu and obviously a better gpu.

What I like about this game is it is designed for PC first. Wish more games did this and then got nerfed and ported to consoles.

I think SC/SQ42 will look better than other games as a whole. For instance, Metro Exodus looks nice in certain relatively small areas (but even there has lower quality assets), with stuff at greater distance receiving quite a bit less love than it should. In Deus Ex Mankind Divided the texture work is nice, but character's faces and animations are a bit off.
It will be nice to see how everything fits together at a high and smooth frame rate. Couple that with the physics, gas cloud, planet tech, big ships... I'd say is a different kind of "wow" with actually good graphics. All depends on what they do now with the Vulkan stuff and if they'll add some more to it. And fur sure, 2 years from now, when probably SC will actually be completed (fingers crossed), they'll add RT to it as well. :)

If they'll want it for consoles, then I do hope they'll wait until SQ42 and SC is launched and there's isn't much to do with the game (so you have some people working for the consoles version while others move to Chapter 2 of SQ42 and then the rest just support the current games).
If they'll need the money, then fine, give that as a reason and go for it, but to embark in the consoles optimization process, so giving anoooother task to the tech guys while ignoring the PC, plus some fears regarding "triple AAA optimization" that's usually happening after an E3 (TW 3 style), then... the outcry could be huge - and I'd say well worth it.
Also let's not forget that building yet another UI for the consoles will be... funny! :D

In comes @Calin Banc to burst your bubble. It makes no financial sense!! :p:D

Not allowed. Calin forbids it!! :D

Just kidding Calin :p

Lol :)) insert "I'll allow it" meme here. :p

I'm not sure people in general liked the game that much (to me it felt rushed, more like a demo, with lots of missed opportunities in terms of gameplay and not as fun and engaging as the original Far Cry was, but still finished that a few times - after an upgrade :D ). With Crysis I feel it was more about the visuals than everything else, but sure, it meant more than that for some people. Plus... Crysis still looks good today! But, like I think I've said before, I do wish for a another Stalker game with this engine! :))Or remake the original Deus Ex! My time to dream now :))

With that said, Crysis 4, going back to the roots (open, bigger - jungle?, levels), with some RT, more physics and next gen graphics (and why not, better story and gameplay!), could be a smarter, better move!

PS: insert here your favorite game with all these features on:

PS2: Than jungle from the trailer, OMG... :eek:
Whilst crysis did bump up visuals they still never quite matched what they showed in the infamous "jungle fight" trailers which was meant to be gameplay. When the game came out i remember the outrage about it not looking like this, even in dense jungle areas.

I remember watching them videos and thinking holy this looks amazing wot happened to the finished game though.
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