New Crysis screenshots

Looks very nice indeed. Bit of a bad sign however is when the dev bloke said the crysis e3 demo lagged a bit because it was running on a mere dual gpu system rather than the quad gpu systems on other stalls. Thinking this is where most will have to retire those beloved x800's/6800's.

"In addition to your graphics card, Crysis will most likely make maximum work out of whatever CPU you have. The game will run fine on current, single-core CPUs, but it will take advantage of the latest multicore CPUs, as well. Yes, that means Crysis is multithreaded, which means that it can make maximum use out of dual-core systems. Where's all that processing power going? Well, part of the CPU's time will be taken up by Crytek's proprietary physics engine (called CryPhysics, of course), and it's the reason why you'll be able to saw apart trees with gunfire and why vegetation will bend and deform when someone passes by--or when the force of explosions blow them back."
I'm holding out for this coming out before i upgrade,now that its going to make full use of dual core ;) Looks better every time you see it

Love this quote!

"even with optimized code, the X360/PS3 are not going to have the kind of graphics horsepower required to run this game the way people are going to want to play it. This is the kind of game you're going to want dual or quad SLI DX10 cards for."

My bank manager won't!
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