i recommend everyone interested in this watches IGN's video interview with Cevat Yerli.
he goes into great detail about how the game is being made and some great features it will have.
a number of things that have got my attention are -
no cut scenes in game
story of game will be told through interacting with objects, or going by what you personally observe in the game. so you only know whats going on in the game if you've actually witnessed it.
the storyline is somewhat dynamic.
if people in the group you are in die, then you wont learn what they have to tell... if they're dead the story will change to accomadate this.
so your choices and gameplay actually effects the general outcome of the story.
you have a nanomuscle suit, which you can alter the strength/speed/defence on the fly... if you need to be fast moving you can change the speed etc.
the weapons are customizable so you can add scopes/flashlights etc to them and you can change ammo for them and can even fine tune how the bullets will effect people. be it an explosive bullet, a bullet that is non-lethal or one that acts as a sort of homing beacon.
it sounds wonderful tbh