NEW DAYZ - Dayz Arma 3 Exile mod (How standalone should have been)

17 Jun 2009
[TFU] Thegoon84;28670942 said:

Loving it so far, Zombies are quite freaky!

Whitelisted from tomorrow.

Yup you heard it right.... New Dayz Arma 3

Ok new thread needed, because this has blown my mind!

Ofc its very staged, the map they're using is very narrow and will bottle neck a lot of battles. However based on the new Map BIS are working on due out Q1/Q2 (see video at the below) then its got stupid amount of potential. Even now

The guy who created this hasn't released a server or the files yet, but has been flat out. CCG have released solid updates and mods which people have actually wanted.... Not modding the game and putting pointless things like "******* in the woods, battery's for radio and toilet roll.

We have here a game, which could for all intense purposes meet the needs of every original Dayz fan.... Overpoch was a massive success and this mod is from the same guys.... So i'm kicking off the hype train to failland, ALL ABOARD :D


:D..... So what's your thoughts?
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My thoughts

1. Dean Hall is a nob
2. This looks good
3. There is a thread on this already

1. Dean Hall is a nob


2. This looks good

Doesn't it!!

3. There is a thread on this already

Its mine thread the other, however this will be a seperate mod from Excile. Some people dont like the zombie games. This somehow is being called "Dayz".

PS - I know this is very staged, but i think the majority of us can say a few good stories from playing Epoch/overpoch... So while staged, i'm sure we'll have something on a basic level to this!

CCG do force night time play on their servers. So the use of floodlights will be in there, cant wait to freak out people taking out their lights!

!! ZOMG>
If it doesn't run like a potato like Arma 3 does and has DX12 then I am interested, otherwise meh.

Well since playing the mod from day one, its one of the smoothest games i've ever played!! So long as you do the correct research on your optimal settings you should get min 60fps with an average pc!!

The excile creators have some how managed to put filters in game which A makes the maps look unreal and B run super smooth!

Pretty much everyone i've spoken to have been blown away by how smooth this runs!

Next big thing? I think so...... Watch this space!
We have launched an Exile server on the map Pianosa. More information can be found here; ( Zombies will follow shortly after it seems to be in demand.

These servers are popping from the base Exile mod. After its been ported to a custom map its literally a case of copy and pasting addons/scripts/mods from armaholic/bi forums and editing the configs. There are quite a few currently open zombie servers which will be similar to frankies videos however the server he is playing on (part of the CCG community) is actually in closed testing if I have been told correctly.

The map thats being used is Esseker, and I think its ryan's zombies with a few mods like rappelling and of course custom vehicles/weapons with JSRS and blastcore.

I have just launched a community over at where I have ported over a custom map myself, unlike Esseker/Altis/Chern they are huge maps with such a small amount of players meaning PVP is little to none. Pianosa the map I have decided to use is a lot smaller with greater PVP potential. The fundamentals like day/night are there. Loot has been turned up, but all overpowered scopes like the TWS/Nightstalker have been removed totally from the loot table and applied only to our DayZ style helicopter crash sites.

One thing I have made sure is, each server we host (starting at 1, will increase if people actually play on our servers) is restricted to 40 slots. I feel a perfect amount to ensure its stable (highest FPS possible) with the zombies.

I would love for a few people from OC to come and help me test it one day soon.

Very true, I originally put in zombies to see how decent they had been made and to be honest they were just meh... People want them though, and if people want them and you don't have them they will go elsewhere. I can tell you now, if that server frankie was on was full 60+ players, after 2 hours uptime it would not be that fun to play. Then again CCG have done some fantastic stuff with Arma, maca is a credit.

Lol good luck with "just adding zombies"... Doesn't work like that! One does not simply add on mod packs and assume it will work haha! Most of the time they're dull, kill servers and simply dont work.... Hence just leaving it to the CCG lads.

I am not 100% sure if something with that many features and that many mods ( Check the mod list in the video description) will ever go fully public.

Plus I bet majority of server will be 24/7 daytime. Seems sad to remove such a important part of the gameplay, stealth etc.

The guys who are building this brought us Overpoch. Macca (ccg) has teamed up with the Exile modders and working flat out. This isn't a normal Dayz Standalone launch, its simply or not so simply smashing mods together re tweeking the config and re-designing the map.

This will be out before Xmas.... Mark my words.

There will be a load of people pretending they have the mod, but the only one to keep an eye out for is CCG. Once they announce it will be released then it will offically be out there and working.... Lets be fair, Frankie wouldn't have backed them or rather endorsed it if it wasn't certain.
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check ccg last time i checked it was just for him and they said they might not even release it.

Come on then DG, please tell me or rather show me when anyone said "they might not even release it"?

The level of **** you talk sometimes honestly!!

Well it sucks if they don't release it after showing us!

ignore him mate, as with everything he's ever said, completely clueless!
it was in the thread you asked about it in lol.on ccg forums.

its obvious what they done. they made the mod for frankie to with small numbers and modding it works. for big amount of players = no.

its pretty simple to see why. no arma mod with so many zombies and the amount of players works well. ever.

so imagine 60-100 people and those zombies. it just wont would be a slide show,unplayable.

if it did work and was fine they would have got it out already.

if you read in this thread i posted about it in august !

link to thread

basically no evidence of this mod ever coming out to servers.

I take it back, i actually completely missed that comment!!

Glass half full attitude, Macca hasn't touched the current exile servers which means he's flat out doing something.... I still think he'll get it modded and out there asap!
I was on the Yorkshire server and this guy killed me while checking out an AI base. I said to him, "he was a cheeky so and so. We could've been friends!" Next thing I know I was kicked from the server, no reason given and no response from the Admins

However about 20mins later, there was a big argument going off in side chat and the Admin went on a Kicking spree. Bit of a power trip perhaps :(

What server?
Could not get on to CCG :(, just keeps kicking me out. Do I need to be whitelisted?

there's an issue with that atm... Macca is away so wont get fixed for the min!

Like i said, i've gone back to Arma 2 playing on the 555 server, got king on the hill as a missions, huge base camps... Really enjoying it with the clan mates tbh. we've decided to have one last blast before moving to a3 .
£4 a month if there's a few of you! Like I said, benefits are solid server, good updates from the guy who's working with the exile devs. No scripting kiddies, people who want to play the game!!

Up to you guys tho, as said above. Most people can put the mods on. Just prefer this.
Man i am absolutely loving this MOD. It feels like early old school dayz... Even has downed choppers with loads of goddies. They crash out of skies which is brilliant!

Last night spawned at balota, had a load of Z'd spawn, but managed to mow them down. heard gun fire in the distance so snuck out. On route to the trade saw a guy parked in a bush (doing what i dont know), quickly took him out, took his kit chucked in the already full car. While more Z'd were coming for me.... Quickly speed up to the wastedumb (sells everything in your car and empties any non sellable items)... Made 2k, kept hitting towns and collecting anything i could find. Whats great also is the zombies carry guns, backpacks, glasses, helmets ..... most items!

Head up north when i heard a noise, noticed a few guys looting the shop in Zelenogsk. Was late evening so was getting dark (Full day night cycle per server restart) Managed to take them out quietly. Stole their car, drove up the road while absoltuely bricking it... sold it and made loads. Thought i'd head over to the trader and stock up on supplies, saw a group of guys sitting in circle discussing the mod,great chat and realised that every item has its own place in a receip, simply double click the item and you can see what it can be crafted into... Nice guys had some real lols as one fo teh guys i think was a big youtuber.

This game is AMAZING! Considering its barely a week old, just wow!

Updates all the time. Next to come in are weapon and vehcile packs. Server is lag free, solid as a rock.

Also, my mate told me about this but not had one yet. A thermal scanner, shows 4 of the 5 codes last used on someones safe! So needless to say, base raid coming up soon :D

... Next step, build a secure base which can only be accessed by unlocking a garage door, which acts as a bridge into the room full of safes! BOOM! I do hope this eventually comes as a non donation based mod... because GOD DAMN!

We currently have zombies, missions and a lot more content on our Dev server.

It is also where we will be testing any new and exclusive content in the future.

Current Dev Server features:

•Zombies - based on RyanZombies, overhauled by Torndeco for Exile
•Missions - Bandit invasions, camps and more
•Custom Vehicle Skins - See HERE
•Custom Heli Crash Sites - Like old school DayZ, find the heli crash sites and get them epic lootz
•TRYK Clothing mod - Still integrating these into loot tables and traders

Features currently being worked on/tested:

•Vehicle packs
•Weapon packs
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