New Driving Laws being enforced in England

reflex said:
You can still be proud of your nationality without having a flag on your house/car to show other people you are.
Agreed. Just seems strange that you're seen as racist/chav/thick if you chose to though...
People don't like those with silly little flags on their cars cos you know that they're the type, who if they'd had 1 or 2 beers - or maybe even none - and saw a flag from another country would vandalise it and give abuse.

You can be proud of your country without being a moron. Flags on cars are a good sign of someone being a moron, just as chains and burberry on someone are a good sign that they're a chav.
locutus12 said:
were only better than those "other countrys" because we like most of the western world are very good at ripping off and screwing over small developing countrys.

Possibly, but I am just stating you should be happy that you are in a country where there is some sort of health system, a very easy ability to set up businesses, do your hobbies, make something of yourself, etc I totally agree with you about the big western companies paying just above absolute poverty to ledcs, something that is sad! however, I am just talking about the old comment of not being happy about the country you are in. It has its flaws of course, oh and I would never display a flag of anything ~ just asks for trouble most the time.

reflex said:
You can still be proud of your nationality without having a flag on your house/car to show other people you are.

Yup yup.

tmileson said:
Agreed. Just seems strange that you're seen as racist/chav/thick if you chose to though...

Due to its history its just the trend thats set in.

tmileson said:
And what pray tell are you doing to rebalance the scales? Are you off to live in one of those other countries donating your skills to put things right and help them create a better quality of life for their citizens? Or are you just happy to take all the advantages and comforts the UK has to offer whilst disapproving of the "ripping off" that provides you with the quality of life you are fortunate enough to enjoy living in the UK?

Well he cant do much and dont sway off topic! :p
I've got a huge pirate flag on my car, casue I neither like football or tiny poor mans flags.
Johnny Girth said:
People don't like those with silly little flags on their cars cos you know that they're the type, who if they'd had 1 or 2 beers - or maybe even none - and saw a flag from another country would vandalise it and give abuse.

You can be proud of your country without being a moron. Flags on cars are a good sign of someone being a moron

Nice generalisation!!
i think the main reason for peeps having these flags is to make themselves feel above the rest. No one drives themsleves to being better anymore, instead they do it the tacky way of saying 'ive got a flag i am better than u'.
it happened when diana died, people were so interested in making themselves feel better becuase they showed how upset they were and then made the normal person (who was sad about the moment) but didnt need to shove it in someone elses face feel bad 'saying u dont care'.

Look at the usa, most of them are so scared to say anything bad about their country incase someone shoots them so they stick silly flags all over the place to try and prove they love the country.

the only reason i would have one on my car is if my kids wanted one, but apart from that i dont feel the need to cheaply promote myself over anyone else.

i wanted a pirates flag on my car (big black ranger rover) to make my point that its all a load of bs.

those who really love their country dont/wont show it with a silly flag.
Moorron said:
i think the main reason for peeps having these flags is to make themselves feel above the rest.

Look at the usa, most of them are so scared to say anything bad about their country incase someone shoots them so they stick silly flags all over the place to try and prove they love the country.

Dear me. No, they don't display flags out of fear of repercussions if they don't. They do it because they DO love their country and ARE proud to fly their flag.

those who really love their country dont/wont show it with a silly flag.

Absolute nonsense IMO.

I could generalise that all Range Rover drivers are such and such, which would be equally silly wouldn't it. Then again ;)
this is a top thread!! Thoroughly enjoying reading this.

I don't know what I think about this though, tmileson sums it up that there seems to be two things at the moment,

One is it's "trendy" to brand anyone with any pride in being English as "racist/ill informed/chav/thug". The other is it's seen as "trendy" by some to assert how cool they are by not being proud of their country or nationality.

Aargh, I don't know what to think, whether I like the idea of the flags or not!! I like the fact that people are showing some national pride, but I think it is probably true that some people are trying to be "trendy" by having the flags....

this is my most useless post ever I think!
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate the damn things :mad:

They just look so cheap and tacky and crap - I saw one car the other day that had THREE on there and it just looks so damn stupid

It's not the fact that it's the English flag - I would feel the same way about a Welsh flag or the Union Jack
I'm proud of the country I live in, and despite our issues I do believe the UK is a good place to live.

Our country has come along way, and has come through some tough times.. which makes me proud to be English/British.

But I don't feel the need to attach a scummy flag to my car to prove to everybody else how I feel about England.

It's ironic though that the minute we get knocked out of the world cup, those flags will disappear until the next tournement.
dirtydog said:
Dear me. No, they don't display flags out of fear of repercussions if they don't. They do it because they DO love their country and ARE proud to fly their flag.

Absolute nonsense IMO.

I could generalise that all Range Rover drivers are such and such, which would be equally silly wouldn't it. Then again ;)

what i am trying to say is there are much better ways of loving your own country. doing it the cheap in your face way just shows to me that they dont.

Think of it this way, if u support a football team, who out of these two descriptions is the real supporter.

A: the one who buys a shirt and talks to everyone in the pub that 'supports' the team they beat last week or
B: the guy who buys a season ticket for the last 20 years. ??

anyone who chooses the easy simple way to show they love their country is hiding the fact they cant love it the real way. This is why this world is becoming a selfish place, another example is marriage its no longer about love, its about 'looking' like u love the other person, so what happens......lots of them dont work out. i wish things could be right, but its not the human way, but it looks like no one wants to even try now.

i understand your comment about my range rover and all range rover drivers, even so to the point my range rover isnt what u call a typical one and therefore proves your point. But the footy hasnt even started yet so its got to the point where all theseflag owners are trying to put the other flag owners down by saying they had theres ages ago.

its all in my opinion at the end of the day.
Bodger Badger said:
* overtaking in dangerous places;
* hovering within one inch of the car in front;
* stopping sharply;
* speeding in residential areas;
* pulling out without indication;
* performing U turns inappropriately in busy highstreets;
* undertaking on motorways and
* taking up more than one lane in multi lane roads.

I went out with my mate yesterday in his car, think I'll have to get him two of those flags, he did every single thing on that list but the u-turn was more of a handbrake 180 in the middle of Romford on a Saturday :eek:
Sirrel Squirrel said:
I went out with my mate yesterday in his car, think I'll have to get him two of those flags, he did every single thing on that list but the u-turn was more of a handbrake 180 in the middle of Romford on a Saturday :eek:
I’d say all those things are a pretty common occurrence on the A127 tbh :p
my my neill look what you've started!

I have no problems with being patriotic at all, I wear my england football shirt with pride and our house has about 2-3 british flags in it. I think they are dangerous and kinda stupid to have them like that.

by ALL means, inside the car - but we saw what happened on top gear when they made a home made convertable - those flimsy plastic poles won't hold forever.

I saw one today with a flag tied to the car's retracting ariel :D
Nothing wrong with flying St. Georges Cross, but those car flags ARE tacky. I'll likely be putting up my flag on the wall behind the couch and playing Pomp and Circumstance full blast before each game. :D
All these people displaying their great national pride displaying flags while they drive around (often badly) in er..... German, French, Italian and Japanese cars ... that really makes sense!
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