New DVD Profiller

19 Oct 2002
Dunno if anyones posted this!... (I searched!)

But looks like DVD Profiller v3.0 and Mobile v1.0 (PPC 2003 onward :mad: My Axim is PPC2002 and I can't find the upgrade!!) have been released!...

v3.0 has full Vista 32/64bit support!!!...

Strange thing being its no longer run by Intervocative!... its someone else called Invelos (

Its easy to upgrade... yoou only have to re-input your user details (new/existing account), make a backup of your database, install the software and upload your database... you don't even need a registration now!... (unless you have Pro.. then you get a free upgrade).

The Layout is better but you can't add 'Skins' to it.. I liked my Skin that looked like an online DVD retailer...

Keeps throwing up 'Bitch Screen' messages about going Pro ($29.99) but I can live with that!...

Looks like v2.5 is still available from intervocative though! :confused:
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