All threads for me are now showing the open mail icon, meaning I've read every single thread. Is this a bug or is it a setting I need to change?
You missed the posts about that the forum was upgraded as of late?
I knew there was an update but I am sure the envelope icons were closed and yellow is there are unread posts. Right now, everything is showing read to me. Odd. I'll just count it as a bug for now.
yeah if you mark as read they all close
Which is backwards to what it used to be no? Even if we are sticking with this, at least 2 different colours
just another thing like the floppy disk for save which doesn't rly make sense anymore.
It threw me too. My eyesight is no longer that great when not wearing glasses and I struggle to tell the difference between a read and unread icon now that they are the same colour. Could the different colours be brought back? e.g. grey for read.
Which is backwards to what it used to be no? Even if we are sticking with this, at least 2 different colours
on the old forum was the "open envelope" really an open envelope, or an "envelope with contents sticking out of it" and just too low resolution to tell?