New Fresh Prince gritty drama

That is weird, can't get my head around the angst compared with the silly cheesiness of TV series. And where is the Carlton dance?

The TV series wasn't always silliness though, got pretty deep for an otherwise light hearted, watch after Neighbours, show.

First big argument Will and uncle Phil, each find out there is a bit more depth to the other:

Carlton called a sell out:

Probs the ultimate one - Will's father leaves:

Oh and on a lighter note... disappointed in the Ashley from the trailer in the OP - original Ashley (in the later seasons) was easy on the eye (or at least when I watched it as a teenager - keeping in mind she is older than me...):

The TV series wasn't always silliness though, got pretty deep for an otherwise light hearted, watch after Neighbours, show.

I remember watching the first season again awhile back.
There was an episode where Will and Carlton are driving a car to the coast(?) for one of Uncle Phil's friends.
They get pulled over by the police for "stealing" a car. That definitely wasn't a fun episode! Very hard to watch. Had to check I hadn't put a different show on instead!

Here it is:

There were also some pretty dire episodes in season one - especially the two Mall episodes that were just recaps of previous episodes of season one - only 8 episodes into season 1!!!!
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Yeah there is a clip somewhere where Unkle Phil and Aunt Vivian go to get them out, she’s about to kick off at the cops and the partner walks in too demanding they’re released.
Trailer for the new reimagined Fresh Prince of Bell Air. Looks good and a different, more grittier tone. One to keep an eye out for. I think Will himself had something to do with this.

Without even watching the trailer I don't have high expectations. Hell, they've barely left the floor. I love TFPoBA and still watch it today but this just seems destined to fail. No one is going to match Uncle Phil.
Well it's most definitely different to the original.

Probably something my teenagers would enjoy whereas I'll stick to the original.
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