New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
Due to a lack of interest this server has been retired. I have the world if anyone would like a copy of it.

Hi - as a lot of you know, I like playing minecraft - I was involved with linktart back in the day, and have been admining on another server for a number of years. I've been playing FTB Beyond on this other server and have really enjoyed it but the owner is drifting away from MC and small things take a long time to resolve, so I've decided to host a server myself. This way I can keep the server running smoothly and up to date!

So, if you would like to play, please feel free. I'm running FTB Beyond 1.11.0 on MC 1.10.2 The whitelist is active, give me a shout and I can add you. The server is based in London. Connect either or There is no, nor will there ever be, any pay-to-win carp - survival all the way!

New to modded or Beyond? Read this here

I look forward to maybe seeing a few of you online.

All the best - Ham

:edit - some more info put on the op from various posts in the thread:

ok - I've setup a Discord server for TheMustardSeed - clicky here to join:
A heads up - be very careful if using the Mechanical Crafter from ExtraUtilities 2. You have to get the crafting recipe 100% correct in the gui. I was getting it to auto craft bread and put the wheat on the wrong line on the 3x3 and it crashed the server. I had to download the world and use MCEdit to edit out that block and upload it and restart. Please do not use these - they will crash the server. Use an RFTools crafter instead!

FTB Utilities has a built-in chunk claiming system - press E in game, add your team (top icon=teams) then you can claim your chunks to protect your builds (3rd Icon down=claimed chunks)
It is also possible to chunkload claims - please only chunkload chunks you gotta :p Shift leftclick to chunkload a claimed chunk

There is now a little noob hut at spawn with some beds and food. There is also a random TP button I've been asked to add. Knock yourself out. As ever, take what you need and replenish once you're done :p

/tpa <playername> will allow you to ask to tp to a player. /sethome is a thing, as is /spawn. If you think this is a bit op (I personally think it is, the mods allow for all this and much more once you've done the grind :p) then I'm open to suggestions for changes.

/Back is disabled as I feel it's way too op. Bite me.

OK so IC2 is a fun, if a little grindy, but it insists on using EU, where all the other packs are happy to accept RF. Little known fact is that FluxNetworks is about the only mod that will happily send RF AND EU and they are cheap enough to make. Make a network, add a plug (the red one) to your IC2 power input and a Point (green one) to your stored RF et voila! You're welcome!

I'll add to this as and when needed
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Would be interested in this, as much as i like the idea of MC, my single player ambitions just drift away. and previous servers i have joined have been full of randoms. which isnt fun.

Not tried Beyond before, been mainly slogging my way through project Ozone 2.

MC Name: khevolution
Would be interested in this, as much as i like the idea of MC, my single player ambitions just drift away. and previous servers i have joined have been full of randoms. which isnt fun.

Not tried Beyond before, been mainly slogging my way through project Ozone 2.

MC Name: khevolution
I've added you to the whitelist :)
just quickly popped online after work to have a look around, looks good, also looks like ive got a lot of learning to do with all these new mods, when are you likely to be on, think i might need somebody to pester with all the questions i will undoubtedly have.
just quickly popped online after work to have a look around, looks good, also looks like ive got a lot of learning to do with all these new mods, when are you likely to be on, think i might need somebody to pester with all the questions i will undoubtedly have.
I've got work for a few hours today - I'll be on about 19:00 onwards for a few hours I would think - catch you soon
Just a little bump to make sure any fellow OCUKers wanting a modded server to play on missed this - come and join in :)
Got a ton of experience on FTB and modded servers (I blame Halfmad). Certainly wouldn't returning to it as my last FTB was Infinity Evolved on 1.7.

Edit: What version of MC does FTB Beyond use? Ignore - Imma clown :o I'll give it some thought!
Ooh, been looking for a decent FTB server for a while, username is Prankster182.

Thank ya muchly
Added - see you in game :)
Got a ton of experience on FTB and modded servers (I blame Halfmad). Certainly wouldn't returning to it as my last FTB was Infinity Evolved on 1.7.

Edit: What version of MC does FTB Beyond use? Ignore - Imma clown :o I'll give it some thought!
Heh - to confirm it's running MC1.10.2 and the pack is Beyond 1.11.0 - let me know if you want me to add you!

A heads up - be very careful if using the Mechanical Crafter from ExtraUtilities 2. You have to get the crafting recipe 100% correct in the gui. I was getting it to auto craft bread and put the wheat on the wrong line on the 3x3 and it crashed the server. I had to download the world and use MCEdit to edit out that block and upload it and restart. Bloody thing! This is a known issue and I might disable them. There are other autocrafters - rftools has one.
FWIW the server backs up every two hours, so even at worst case scenario I could replace an affected chunk using the backup and only lose two hours from that specific chunk.
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Haven't played FTB in a while, used to play Hermitpack, so might be a bit slow at getting going, but i'll give it a go if you don't mind?

I'll probably just be hiding out somewhere building a base :)

MC Username - Bodster_
Haven't played FTB in a while, used to play Hermitpack, so might be a bit slow at getting going, but i'll give it a go if you don't mind?

I'll probably just be hiding out somewhere building a base :)

MC Username - Bodster_

Added - catch you ingame! It was HermitPack that got me on to modded MC!! A lot of the HP mods are on Beyond - you'll be fine!

Just an FYI for all players there are some baked potatoes and some wool at -152 81 if you need an early food source/bed :)
FTB Utilities has a built-in chunk claiming system - press E in game, add your team (top icon=teams) then you can claim your chunks to protect your builds (3rd Icon down=claimed chunks)
It is also possible to chunkload claims - please only chunkload chunks you gotta :p Shift rightclick to chunkload a claimed chunk
Added - catch you ingame! It was HermitPack that got me on to modded MC!! A lot of the HP mods are on Beyond - you'll be fine!

Just an FYI for all players there are some baked potatoes and some wool at -152 81 if you need an early food source/bed :)

Much appreciated, will see about getting on as soon as I can. Will be nice to play a relaxing game again, building. Too used to Siege and Battlegrounds at the moment!
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